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There’s a makeshift bar set up on the huge island and Shelby gets to work mixing us something to drink. Everything’s okay. I tell myself, blowing out air through my mouth, before inhaling through my nose.

“Here,” Shelby says, her pink painted nails coming into view as she shoves a red cup into my hand, the contents sloshing against the sides of the cup. I peer inside of it before bringing it to my nose to sniff.

“What is this? It smells like straight alcohol.”

Shelby shrugs, her hazel eyes narrowing, “Just drink it. Live a little, will you? If you promise to have a good time, I’ll promise not to push you to go out with me so much. Deal?”

Ugh, as much as I hate to admit it, she’s right. I’m eighteen, a college student. I need to live a little, and enjoy the years ahead of me before they’re gone and I’m forced to be an actual adult, with a job, and responsibilities.

“Fine. I’ll try.” I give her a weak smile and take a drink of the pink looking liquid. The burn I was expecting doesn’t come and I’m pleasantly surprised by the cherry tang that’s left against my lips.

“Good, huh?” Shelby asks, watching me like a hawk.

“Decent. It doesn’t taste like I’m drinking lighter fluid.”

“Shut up.” She giggles, taking a drink from her cup. The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end and I don’t understand why. Swinging my gaze around the room I look for anything out of place. What’s wrong with me? I think I’m losing my mind.

A loud rap song comes blaring through the speakers, vibrating through the masses of bodies and into my skull, causing a dull ache to form there. A book wouldn’t give me this kind of headache. Feeling as if I’ll need it, I drink the rest of the liquid in my cup and hand it back to Shelby with a mischievous grin.

“Make me another. I’m going to go find a bathroom. If I’m not back in ten minutes send out a search party.”

“Don’t be so dramatic.” She takes the cup and ushers me away. “Go to the bathroom. I’ll be here when you get back.”

Leaving the kitchen I notice a group of women in skirts shorter than my own enter the house. My heart sinks into my stomach at the sight. Barbies. Three girls dolled up like plastic dolls. Fake. Popular. Gorgeous. Every college and high school has them.

They stick out like a weed in a bed of flowers. They giggle, and toss their hair over their shoulders, batting their eyelashes at every man that looks their way, and there are a lot of men looking their way. Turning, I head for the huge staircase before they come any closer, I know their type—they’ll either want to befriend me and initiate me into their clan, or they’ll make me public enemy number one—I don’t want to get on their radar, I want to have an uneventful, low-key college experience. Rushing up the stairs I almost run head first into a couple that is making out against the railing.

I mumble a half-hearted apology and continue in search of a bathroom. I open one door to find an empty bedroom with a large inviting looking bed in the center. How bad is it that I would rather curl up in that bed and read a book than go back downstairs and party with the other students?

When I pull the door shut behind me, a familiar scent coming from inside the room tickles my nose. I can’t quite place the unique smell, something like a forest after a rainy day.

I keep walking down the hall and the next door I open is actually a bathroom. I disappear inside, locking the door behind me. It is almost as big as my dorm room. I shake my head at the size and fanciness of it all.

I use to think this is all that mattered, money, pretty things and people who look up to you. That’s what my family taught me to think and there was a time when I didn’t question anything my parents told me. That time is over. Now I know better.

I’m still thinking about the familiar scent in that bedroom as I wash my hands. Something about it is nagging me but I just can’t put my finger on it. Looking in the mirror, I give myself a once over before exiting the bathroom. I really should act more like the other people around here. Have fun and enjoy college life. This is what I wanted. I got away from my family to be normal. All I have to do now is get out of my own head and enjoy this.

I walk back down the hall, forcing myself not to think about the bedroom with its tempting scent. I fight the urge to take another peek inside. Just as I pass it I hear the soft click of a door opening, but before I have the time to truly comprehend that someone is behind me, I’m grabbed by my arm and yanked into the room.
