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Ozni nodded. "But I am still grateful that you all were here."

Jaygen placed a hand on Ozni's shoulder before he got back in bed. "We will always be together. For better or worse." Jaygen passed Ozni his book and the vampire thanked him. While they rested, he'd get caught up on his reading.

The room fell into a comfortable silence. Only the light snoring and breathing of the men he shared a life with kept him company as Ozni lost himself in the new thriller romance between a killer and his supposed target.

Movement caught Ozni's attention and he glanced over his book to the pile of bodies. Porter moved from under Cyrus and Foi. Their eyes met for a second and the sweet human smiled at him.

"Bathroom. Be right back."

Ozni nodded and returned to his book as he laid amongst the warm bodies of the men he could no longer live without. It was funny. They'd been a part of each other's lives for a few years, but none of them allowed their walls to crumble. Not till an unsuspecting human waltzed into a supernatural host bar.

Porter came back into the room and Ozni closed his book before pulling the human to him. He rolled them over so that he completely blanketed Porter's body. His white hair fell forward, cocooning them in their own little space. Ozni lost himself in Porter's deep brown eyes for a moment and the human seemed to do the same.

"Thank you for seeing something more in me than what I saw in myself. And for wanting me as well," Ozni said, breaking the small moment of silence.

Porter's fingers tangled in Ozni's snow-white hair and he pulled. Ozni was too weak to resist as their lips crashed together in a fire-filled kiss.

"No, thank you, Ozni. In your arms I’m whole and I will gladly spend every day we have together reminding you of all the ways you're perfect for me." Porter kissed him again, stealing any words he might have said. "I love you, Ozni."

He searched Porter's brown eyes for any drop of uncertainty, but there was none to find. The human loved him.

"I love you too, Porter."

He pulled Porter close once again and rolled them over. Foi growled in his sleep and tossed an arm around them both. Jaygen was sound asleep on his other side, laying perfectly still. As if even in his sleep, he had to be perfect. Cy's head popped up and his eyes were dazed.

"Are we going for round four or shit, is it six?" His pink lips were puffy and Ozni didn't hold back as he pulled the incubus to him and kissed him again.

Cy moaned into his mouth and his tongue dragged over Ozni's lazily. Porter chuckled next to them.

"I couldn't go another round even if I popped a viagra right now. I have no come left."

Cyrus blinked, pulling back from their kiss. "Want to test that theory?"

Ozni shook his head at them and pulled them both down on top of him. They snuggled close.

"I love you, Cyrus," Porter confessed.

Cyrus let out a sigh. "I am impossible not to love so if you didn't I'd be highly offended."

They chuckled and Ozni found himself joining in. It was as if he'd finally walked from under the shadows of his life and surrounding him was the pure light he'd been chasing after.

"I love you too, Porter." Cyrus sat up a little and looked into Ozni's eyes. "And I love you, Ozni."

"I love you as well," Ozni said.

"Me too," Foi grumbled out.

"What was that, puppy?" Porter asked. He moved around to see Foi, whose face was still firmly pressed against Ozni's side.

"Love you guys too. You're all my pack,” he mumbled. “Now shut the fuck up so I can sleep.”

"If all of you are awake, maybe we should go over everyones plans for the future and pull out the charts so that we can figure out the best course,'' Jaygen said. His eyes weren't even open.

The room went eerily silent.

"I want us to all stay together. I don't care what I do," Ozni said. Breaking the silence.

"Aww," Porter and Cyrus gushed together.
