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Porter caressed his cheek. "Take it easy and try to breathe. We've got this."

For only a brief second, Jaygen's eyes showed concern. "What if we screw it all up?"

That moment of vulnerability was so rare that Porter's heart ached. Jaygen was always in control, always sure. But here he was showing that he was uncertain about something. He wrapped the man up in a hug and squeezed him tightly.

"You're amazing, Jaygen and there's nothing you can't do. This place will be a success and even if it's not, we're all right here to support each other." They stayed stuck together, Jaygen nodding silently as they clung to each other. Porter wished he had more elegant words, more ways to soothe his man. But that would come tonight when he did what he did best and helped Jaygen release all of the day’s tensions.

"Thank you," Jaygen whispered. "I need you to keep reminding me that you're on my side, Porter. Always."

"And forever,” Porter whispered. “I’m not going anywhere.”

"Excuse me?"

Porter pulled away from Jaygen sharply and glanced at the man standing before him. He was huge in both height and width and he had a green duffel bag slung over his shoulder. The red hair and beard he had were both shaved neatly. Looking into his hazel eyes Porter felt a familiarity, a tug toward him. He frowned.

"And you are?" Porter asked.

"Bash." The man frowned. "Hey, I know you." His lips dipped further and he shook his head. "You were in that place. house!"

Like a light realization clicked in Porter's head. The brown bear with the sad eyes and the spattering of red in his fur. Yes, he'd seen him and he hadn't been able to help. Porter watched as he gripped his bag more tightly.

"I don't think I can work here," the man said curtly. "This was a mistake."

Porter watched as the man turned on his heels and stormed out of PGD. His heart sank and he felt shame creeping up his spine. Porter had left him there to rot in that cage. What had happened to the man once they left?

He raced after Bash. "Wait. Wait!" When the man stopped and turned toward him, he stopped short. "I know I left you in that hellhole and I'm sorry for that. But I can see you need help now, a place to call home." Porter held out the card that he'd swiped from the bar on his way out. "I understand if you can't work under me after what I did to you, but I don't want you on the streets either. This man, he changed my life. His name is Arden and he owns the original PGD in Silvercross City. I'm sure he could use you."

Bash looked at him wearily before he walked forward and plucked the card from his fingers. "Are you sure?"

Porter nodded hard. "Positive! Just go see him, okay? I know he'll look out for you."

The man nodded. "Thanks."

It was a curt thanks, but Porter didn't blame the man. After all, it was true that he'd left him behind when he fled the auction house. As he watched the man leave, his stomach tightened and his resolve steeled. Porter was going to help supernaturals get free, even if it killed him.

"Are you okay?"

Porter turned to see Jaygen peering down at him. The concern in his blue eyes soothed Porter. He wrapped his arms around the tiger and buried his face in his chest taking in the scent of his soap and cologne.

"I'm fine," Porter said truthfully. "This is just part of our new journey. I'm going to help as many people as I can as much as you've all helped me."

"We're right here with you, Pretty."

Porter's heart swelled and he believed each of Jaygen's words. Together they were going to make a difference no matter how difficult it was. At the end of the day they had each other and that was all Porter needed.
