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“Hey,” Jaygen called out.

The human nearly jumped out of her skin. Their shoulders scrunched up to their ears and the drink they were sipping on spilled out of their mouth a little.

“Shit,” she mumbled.

Jaygen shook his head; he felt a genuine smile curve his lips as he helped the human out by grabbing some napkins and passing some to them. Based on Jaygen’s sense of smell, the human was more than likely male, but they had a wig and fitted skirt on. They had always been inclusive at PGD so whatever the human called themself, that’s what he would follow.

“Sorry and thank—”

The human’s mouth dropped open and their eyes went wide as their gaze swept up and down Jaygen’s form. Jaygen was used to it. He knew he looked good and although the human wasn’t a customer, he stood straighter and gave the human a flirtatious smile on impulse alone.

The blush that crept up to their neck and colored their cheeks was the most flattering thing in the world. They were beautiful and their eyes held so many emotions like they had seen and done things that would haunt most but still held a glimmer of innocence that called to the predator side of Jaygen.

“I’m Jaygen, Arden sent me over here to show you your new room.”

The human licked their lips and the action drew Jaygen’s attention instantly. Was the human being intentionally tempting? It wasn’t in Jaygen to give in and lose control, but for some reason, he wanted to around the human. It was strange and he pushed the feeling far back where it could be locked away and properly ignored.

“Uh, what?” the human said.

“Come on, you will be able to hear me better upstairs,” Jaygen offered.

The human looked hesitant as if they didn’t trust Jaygen. They turned back around and glanced at Arden, who gave a nod and a smile. The human wasn’t stupid, Jaygen had to give them that. They slid off the seat and the moment they were on their feet, their legs wobbled.

Jaygen moved swiftly, catching the human before they could fall. He glanced at the counter, catching sight of two glasses where the human had been sitting.

“What did you order?” Jaygen asked.

A bubbly laugh erupted from the human and they covered their mouth instantly, as if trying to muffle the sound. Jaygen held them up and fixed their wig and then their shirt. He smoothed out every strand to perfection or the closest he could get without a brush. There was nothing Jaygen could do about the dirt on the human’s skirt that more than likely happened before they came to the bar. He waited patiently as the human got their fit of giggles down enough to talk.

“Island something, I can tell you it wasn’t a long island iced tea. They have never made me feel this way.” A grin so big it had to hurt their cheeks appeared on their face as they leaned into Jaygen’s side.

“Don’t tell me you had two dragon islands?” Jaygen asked.

The human just nodded their head, closing their eyes as they rested against Jaygen’s arm.Damn it.Jaygen sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. His host bar persona slipped slightly as he tried to rein in the urge to direct the human as if they were a cub. He knew Arden probably switched out the alcohol for something humans could tolerate so they could handle it but the drinks were still strong as hell. Arden had a hard time switching between serving paranormals and humans.

Instead of getting upset, Jaygen swooped the human up into his arms. Their arms flew around his neck and Jaygen walked off the host bar area and went up the stairs to the floor that held their living spaces.

“Wow, are we moving at like the speed of light?” the human mumbled.

“No, I’m moving at a normal pace, you're just drunk. How fast did you drink those things?”

The human’s face scrunched up in thought. It shouldn’t have been so cute, but it was.

“I don’t know, like a few minutes,” the human said.

A sigh slipped free before Jaygen could catch it.

“I just wanted to stop hurting,” they whispered. “Now everything is pleasantly numb.”

Jaygen glanced down at the human once again and he took in the sight of them. He caught a glimpse of a few bruises peeking under the collar of the shirt and the light makeup they wore covered another on their cheek. Jaygen wasn’t sure what to say to that; if the human had been another supernatural creature he wouldn’t think much of it. Healing was in most of their DNA but humans healed so slowly.

“Do I need to take you to the hospital?” Of course it would have to be outside of Silvercross City. The hospitals in the supernatural city primarily catered to their kind.

The human giggled. “I’ve been worse.” They pointed to their chest and laughed some more before a frown appeared. “It’s just a little sore here.”

Jaygen had the strangest urge to help them, but he wasn’t about to dig into the human’s life, especially if it brought trouble to Paranormal Guilty Delight’s door.

Jaygen made it to the second floor from the top and typed in his code for the door. It clicked once unlocked and Jaygen shuffled the human around so he could grab the handle. They had tight security in their living quarters. There was a past incident where a customer got a little obsessive and snuck into a host’s room and left a bloody offering. That had been a long and arduous clean up day. Not something Jaygen wanted to repeat.
