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Part of Porter felt like he was now ruining any chance of that happening. He would never win his father's approval or earn his love. Those moments that he had secretly longed for since he was only a child would evaporate into thin air and he would be the reason they never happened.

"Porter. It's okay."

Jaygen's whispered words barely penetrated the surface of his grief. Porter's heart clenched and hot, wet tears raced down his cheeks as his knees became jelly. Jaygen's strong arms kept him from falling as a half-strangled sob left his lips.

This was it. Making this decision meant the end, one way or another, and the grief crashed onto Porter's shoulders and poured out of him in waves. His choked, moaning sobs filled the room and he soon felt more hands on him, arms wrapping around his body. His men. They all surrounded him and he broke even more.

The love that he should have gotten from his father, he'd found with all of them. No, he would never win the man's favor and he would never hear those words leave his lips. But he had something better. Something more than blood. These men, the ones he called his monsters but were more like his angels. They cared for and maybe even loved him for exactly who and what he was. There were no prerequisites, no stipulations to their adoration and protection.

Porter loved them. There was no other way to describe it. Who knew that the hardest decision he would ever have to make in his life, the one decision his father would probably be proud of, would come surrounded by men who he loved? Porter clung to them for a while longer, unable to do anything but fall apart in their arms. He didn't even realize when or by whom he'd been picked up and placed in Jaygen's bed, but when he returned to reality there they were. His monsters.

Porter was firmly nestled between Jaygen and Foi while his head rested on Ozni’s lap. Cyrus laid on Porter's stomach and he must have pushed his shirt up to press skin against skin. Porter could feel the wetness from where the incubus had cried and he sucked in a shuddering breath before he ran his fingers through Cy’s jet black locks.

"Are you all right?" Jaygen asked.

"Yes," Porter whispered. "I think I've needed that for a long time." He gazed over at the man. "I meant what I said and I'm sorry. I know you all could get-"

"Do not underestimate us," Jaygen growled, sending a delightful tingle rippling up Porter's spine. "We'll take care of it."

Porter nodded. There was nothing else that needed to be said. He trusted Jaygen with his whole heart. If the man said that they would take care of it, then they would. He'd have to have a little faith and know that all of them were capable, strong and that they would come back to him unharmed.

Or at least they had better or Porter was going to lose his last shred of sanity.

"What are you going to do?" Porter asked. He exchanged looks with Foi and Porter tilted his head. Clearly, they were already up to something. When Jaygen finally looked at him again, his face was calm once more.

"We'll take care of it," Jaygen said. "The only thing you need to do is have patience."

Porter wanted to argue and ask them what the hell was going on, but maybe Jaygen was right. The less he knew, the less he would freak out over whatever was about to happen. If they were going to help him and his sister, the least he could do was be strong for them.

The cool crispair rushed over them as they lay crouched and waiting for Ozni to come back. Jaygen had parked two blocks away, close enough they'd be able to easily run back if need be but far away enough, no one would see them coming.

The mission was simple, and Jaygen had gone over it in his head repeatedly to the point he could picture it perfectly, as if it was a movie playing in real-time. But as he sat there in the dead of night next to Foi and Cyrus, his mind drifted.

In the past few years, Jaygen had worked at Paranormal Guilty Delights, not once had he thought he'd be in a poly relationship with his fellow hosts with a human at the center of them. But he knew he wasn't the only one to notice the changes in their life. They'd each come so far, each of them broken in their own way, finding some type of solace in their human.

"What the hell are you thinking about?" Foi growled. “Pay attention!”

Jaygen glanced the wolf's way before he focused on the task at hand. He'd always planned to kill Gabriel Manetti ever since he'd found out about Porter's past, but now his sweet, pretty human had asked him to carry out the task, and Jaygen would do just that so that Porter could sleep easy at night. They all agreed it was best that the human stay at the bar. They had no doubt in their minds that Porter was tough, but no man, tough or not, wanted to witness their parent's death, even if that parent was their tormentor.

"Nothing. Do all of you understand the plan?" Jaygen asked.

Cyrus nodded; his usual smiling self was all serious business, his hair pulled back in a ponytail, and he wore all black. A color that Jaygen rarely ever saw on the incubus. He was always in some pinks or pastels.

Ozni appeared near them like magic; his speed far surpassed all of theirs. "They are about to switch guards just as Porter said. The west wall is unguarded."

Jaygen gave a curt nod. It was time to take out the trash and kill his pretty boy's nightmare.

Foi rolled his shoulders and the moonlight kissed his tan skin. The moment they cleared the wall, he was to shift. Their wild wolf would be the best distraction. Jaygen wasn't worried one bit. Foi was a monster all on his own, but still, he touched Foi's shoulder and squeezed.Better live.He didn't let the words leave his mouth, but he stared at Foi intently. A goofy smile appeared on the werewolf's face.

"Aww, pussycat does have a heart," Foi joked.

How in the world he could laugh at a time like this was beyond Jaygen's understanding, but he couldn't deny that it made the chains constricting his chest loosen just slightly. They were each skilled and more than capable of holding their own.

"Let's go," Jaygen said, getting ready to stand.

"Oh, we should make this interesting," Cyrus said before any of them could leave the hideaway.

"How so?" Foi asked.
