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"Are you going to be a helpless pup?" Jaygen taunted.

"Motherfucker," Foi growled. No longer worried about the gun, he thrashed even harder and hooked his leg around the guard and flipped them.

The man’s hold loosened and Foi took the chance for what it was. He whipped around, jammed the guy in his throat before punching him as hard as he could with his good arm. The guard didn't so much as twitch after that.

"How's the minimal killing thing going?" Foi asked.

Jaygen cocked a perfectly arched brow at him. "Change of plans." Jaygen ate up the distance between them in a few strides and grabbed Foi's arm.

He tsked and looked annoyed, but Foi got the distinct feeling it wasn't actually aimed at him. Jaygen didn't hesitate as he pierced Foi's flesh with a single claw and dug into his arm for the bullet that had been sealed inside of him.

"Fuck," Foi growled.

Jaygen's face pulled in concentration as he took the bullet out with a proficiency a surgeon would be jealous of. He tossed it to the side, and his ice-blue eyes scanning every inch of Foi for more injuries.

"Have you found Cyrus, Ozni, or Amy?" Jaygen asked.

"No, I was heading up the stairs. This place is fucking huge and every damn corner is covered in guards," Foi grumbled.

Jaygen nodded. "Yes I noticed. I heard someone shout that the boss was heading toward the bunker. I need to get to him before that happens. Go help the others. If there are this many guards just sitting around I'm sure there are just as many on the Manetti's princess."

Jaygen didn't wait for Foi to agree. He just gave his orders and was gone. Goddamn cat. They should move together. He could watch Jaygen's back, but tigers were lone creatures.

Foi growled, knowing he was going to follow the order. He slipped from the hallway he'd been in and rounded the corner walking over bodies left and right. He found the stairs, and five guards were running up, guns held up and ready.

No, the fuck you don't. Foi ran up behind one of them and covered his mouth before he ripped his throat out in the very next second. He ran after the others, but they'd made it upstairs where it was just short of a blood bath.

The carpet was a dark crimson. Foi was unable to tell the original color as more blood seeped into the floor from all the dead bodies. The latest guards were shooting at a fucking blur and screaming every time one of them went down. A head was ripped off one of the guys, and his blood sprayed up like a geyser painting his comrades in red.

Fuck, Ozni is a beast.Foi heard a scream that distinctly sounded like a woman, and he headed toward the room. Their purpose was to kill Gabriel Manetti, but their main goal was to save Amy. Foi made it into the room, and the sight before him stole the breath from his fucking lungs.

Holy shit.Foi nearly tripped over himself as he stared at Cyrus's shifted form. His leathery wings were as long as his body when spread out, and two horns curled back and then up at the tip. His fangs were bared at the man he had in his clutches as a slender black tail whipped behind him.

The man was moaning in pure ecstasy as Cyrus literally sucked the life out of him. Foi shivered at the sight before him.Cy was a fucking badass.

He didn't have time to watch Cyrus for much longer as men started to pour into the room. Foi fought with two. Punches flew at him, landing, but he gave it right back, knocking the wind out of one of the guards. He fell down, and Foi didn't give him a chance to catch himself. He twisted on the balls of his feet to get more momentum, hooking the man's face with the side of his foot, and slamming him face-first into the ground. His nose crunched, but there was no sound from him as he was knocked out cold. Foi couldn't even bask in the move as he quickly fought off the other guy. The second guard wasn't so lucky to be knocked out. Foi kicked him hard, and he fell against Cy just as the incubus turned and he ripped the man's throat out.

Brutal and kind of hot.No, definitely hot.Foi gave Cyrus a grin and a once over. He knew the incubus had been self-conscious of his other form, but as far as Foi was concerned, it added to his appeal.

"Damn it," a woman's voice called out.

Foi moved further into the room and found Amy cuffed to the end of the bed. He stopped short, confused, but she looked up at him, and her eyes were so much like Porter’s he knew it had to be her.

"I'm guessing you're with the vampire dude and the demon over there," Amy said.

"Incubus," Foi corrected.

"Sorry, yeah." She yanked at her wrist, and Foi shook free of his stupor.

"Stay still, I'll break them," Foi said.

"Thanks," she said as she did, in fact, go still.

Foi grabbed the cuffs, ready to break her free, trusting Cyrus to handle the guards that came in. Ozni was no doubt not too far away.

"Porter really sent you guys?" Amy asked in disbelief.

Foi grinned, trying to be reassuring before remembering that he was stark naked and covered in blood. Yeah, smiling wasn’t going to do him any good in the moment but he pulled on his host experience and used it to help him with making Amy feel at ease. "Yes, he's worried about you. And the fact that you're cuffed to the bed means he had good reason."

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