Page 15 of Twisted

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I grin and laugh darkly. “I think that and being caught in the act by yours truly will be enough. Let’s just say, my evidence will back up the video content and the fact that we already have the names of every other girl he violated waiting to pounce. No, Grady won’t recover from this little scandal and the only place he’ll end up is prison.”

I smile at her reassuringly.

“Don’t worry, Katherine. Make sure you look hotter than any other woman there and he’ll be putty in your hands. Don’t lead him on and refuse him at every turn. We’ll make sure you’re alone at some point in the box he uses for all his theater humiliations and the video will do the rest. I’ll be close on hand to interrupt when the deal is sealed. Do you trust me?”

She turns and looks at me with so much trust that it breaks my heart. “I do, Sam. For some reason I know you’ve got my back and I can’t tell you how much that means to me.”

She is looking so fragile and so damned sexy my cock is bursting to be set free. As I drown in those beautiful eyes, nothing else matters but how I feel about this girl.

I reach for her and pull those gorgeous lips to mine. I want to show her that I care and she’s not alone. She trembles under my touch and I see the desire ignite in her eyes. She shifts slightly closer and I pull her body to mine. Stroking her hair, I gaze into her eyes, wanting to reassure her that I care and am not some asshole intent on using her for one night and then pushing her away. I touch her lips gently with mine and her lips quiver under them. My tongue dances with hers in an erotic dance and I taste the sweetness of the only woman who has ever affected me this way.

She moans against my lips, which makes my heart beat faster. Then I taste the woman who is consuming every waking thought in my mind. She is all I can think of and I am drunk on desire. She calls to me like a siren in a shipwrecked sea, and I am lost and floundering under my desperate need to claim her heart. How has this happened? Samuel Carrington, billionaire bastard, has been floored by this gorgeous woman who landed in my lap like a nuclear bomb and has blown my world apart.

As I pull her closer, we are disturbed by the elevator opening and we pull away quickly.

I feel the anger clawing at my insides as I stare at the person who has disturbed my sweetest hour. I see my Vice President, Cody, enter looking surprised when he sees Katherine sitting beside me.

Holding his hands up, he grins. “Sorry, I wasn’t aware you had company. It’s unusual so you can’t blame me, really. Anyway, I’ve got that contract you needed, Sam. Just sign it and I’ll leave you in peace.”

Sighing, I remember I’d asked him to drop it over. Katherine smiles self-consciously and jumps up.

“It’s fine. I’ve got some things to sort out. Nice to meet you, um...”

Cody grins and holds his hand out to grip hers.

“Cody. Sam’s long-suffering Vice President and the bane of his life.”

Katherine smiles sweetly. “Katherine. I’m Sam’s houseguest and probably the new bane of his life. I’m pleased to meet you, Cody. Anyway, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll give you some privacy. It’s been a trying morning and there’s some stuff I need to do in my room.”

She walks out and my anger intensifies at the way Cody’s eyes follow her. He turns and exhales sharply.

“You lucky bastard. No wonder you haven’t come to work, that explains everything.”

I frown at him and he laughs. “It’s ok, Sam, understood. You’ve got to admit though, it’s unlike you to play hooky, especially over a woman.”

I shrug dismissively. “You don’t know shit, Cody. Like she says, Katherine’s my guest and so you can drag your filthy mind from the gutter and bring those contracts over here.”

As he rolls his eyes, I switch my mind to business. Despite everything, I still have a billion-dollar company to run.

Chapter 10


My lips are still trembling from the feeling of Sam’s on them. How has this happened? This wasn’t supposed to be part of the deal. When will I ever learn?

I sink down heavily on the bed and think about the man in the next room. Samuel Carrington. ex-navy SEAL who could have been a Reaper if he hadn’t chosen the business route. Hard and dangerous, just how I like them, but with something else, something much more—a heart.

Then my thoughts turn to Preston Musgrave and I feel the disgust raging through my veins. He was despicable, and watching him cowering on the floor before me brought back brutal memories I’ve tried to keep hidden. My heart races as I think about the dark time I lived through with Vincent.

I ran away from my parents when I was fourteen because I overheard them talking about my new career path. Funny really, I ran from them straight into the arms of a demon with the same plan. Kitty Rogers, ‘whore.’

I think it must have been stamped on my birth certificate because I was never expected to do anything else. What sort of parent chooses that as an option for their daughter? A desperate one, that’s for sure. We never had much and money was extremely hand to mouth. I knew my mother entertained many men and my father used to sit on the porch smoking his cigarettes, staring at the moon. I never understood what was going on until I heard the whispers at school.‘Kitty’s mom’s a whore.’

I got in many fights because of it, but they were only stating the obvious. When I heard them that night, I ran. I ran to the bright lights of the city and Vincent found me sitting in the bus shelter, alone and afraid. He pretended to care. He pretended he was a businessman who cared for vulnerable girls on the street, and he pretended to fix me up with a job and a place to stay.

Well, as it turned out, he wasn’t wrong. The place to stay was chained to his bed, and the job was to act as his whore.

He allowed me two hours of freedom a day to walk in the fresh air with him escorting me. I could shower and eat, and then I was chained back up again. The only time I was free was when he slept with me at night. He wasn’t the only one. He enjoyed watching his friends take what he offered, and I became a toy to be shared out when the mood took him. It must have been six months before the Reapers found me. I heard a loud commotion and there was lots of shouting and firing. I cowered under the bed, afraid for my life—not for the first time. I heard screaming and then somebody kicked open the door and I closed my eyes tightly. I heard a shot and then strong arms lifted me and held me against a broad, hard chest and ran with me outside. I curled up afraid, fearful as to what was happening and closed my eyes against the carnage we were leaving behind. I felt myself flung into the back of an SUV and my captor/rescuer, whatever you wanted to call him, jumped in beside me and all I could hear were the squeal oftiresand the heavy sounds of breathing. Then he said gently, “It’s ok, darlin’, you’re safe now. No one can hurt you anymore.”
