Page 26 of Twisted

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He turns on the large jet and as it cascades down, he pushes me against the smooth, tiled wall and presses against me. He kisses me with the desperation of a man who has discovered a new drug, and I give it back tenfold. Shower sex is every bit as good as bed sex and as he moves inside me I gasp with longing. This is harder and more brutal and so damn sexy I think I’ve lost my mind.

He lifts me so my legs wrap around his waist and as he drives inside, the warm water caresses and soothes any pain away. He pounds into me mercilessly until I feel the ecstasy building in my core. He punishes my mouth and bites my lips hard as we come together in the most basic of ways. I scream his name as he possesses me, and I cry tears of joy as I feel the love bursting through my soul.

Then as we stand together in the cascading water, we just hold each other tightly and never want to let the other go.

We manage to drag ourselves out and go for a walk along the beach. I have to maintain contact with him because I can’t bear it when I don’t feel his hand in mine.

I love this. I love the place, the people, and the beach. But above all, I love the man holding my hand so tenderly and yet so dominant in the bedroom. He sets my pulse racing and my heart fluttering with just one look from those piercing blue eyes. I’m not sure what I’ve done to deserve this happiness, but I’m clinging to this feeling for dear life.

We spend the afternoon sunbathing on the beach and going for dips in the surf. I now have a new passion and it’s called the sea. I love the feeling of freedom it gives me and the raw power of it. Sam laughs as he sees the excitement in my eyes as we fool around in the waves. “You’re like a kid on Christmas.”

I grin and splash him. “Says you. You haven’t stopped smiling since we got here.”

He smirks. “Maybe because for the first time I have everything I want.”

I note the softness in his eyes as he looks at me and my heart pants with desire. Will I ever get enough of him?

I reach out and run my fingers down his broad chest. Just that one act alone is enough to send the heat to my core. He reaches for me and lifts my lips to his. I taste the salt on them and feel the power of the man holding me in his arms. He is fast becoming everything to me, and I should be very worried right about now. None of this seems real, and I can’t quite shake the feeling that something’s going to go badly wrong. I mean, so far everything’s gone according to plan and has been way too easy. Two more to go and then we’re done. I wonder what will happen then?

Sam takes my hand and drags me back to the beach. As we lie on the sand, I look up at the sky and breathe in the fresh salty air. He pulls me close, and I lay with my head on his chest. Just for a moment we lie in silence and soak up the warm sun on our bodies. Then I say sadly, “Do we have to go back - ever?”

Sam kisses the top of my head and says softly. “Don’t worry about a thing, honey. I’ve got your back, you know that, don’t you?”

I nod and sigh heavily. “Everything’s so perfect here. It’s just the two of us with no problems and no assholes to punish. What happens if things go wrong?”

Sam grips me just a little tighter.

“Nothing will go wrong. We get the job done and move on - together. When this is done, you can choose anywhere you want to go and I’ll take you.”

I kiss his chest and sigh with contentment.

“Then we’ll come back here. This is everything I want in life right here on this sand.”

Turning to face him, I kiss him with all the love in my heart. Finally, I have someone to call my own and I won’t let him down.

Chapter 16


All good things come to an end, and it comes way sooner than I would have liked. We head back to Washington with only one thing on our mind. Finish the job.

Baxter meets us and smiles as he sees my hand firmly planted in Sam’s. He raises his eyes. “Good trip?”

I grin. “The best thanks, Jeremy.”

I giggle at the look on Sam’s face as he sees the familiarity we share. He shakes his head and pulls me into the back of the limo and claims my lips for about the thousandth time since we left. In fact, I don’t think my lips leave his for most of the journey.

* * *

As soon aswe get back to the apartment, I sense the change in him. He shakes his head and looks at me with a pained expression.

“Sorry, darlin’, business is calling and I’ve got to pay the price of a couple days away. I’ll be working for the rest of the day.

I smile. “It’s fine. I’m sure I’ll find something to do.”

He pulls me close and whispers, “Move your things into my room. The guest room is no longer available to you. I want you in my bed and no other from now on.”

I feel the tremor shake through to my core as I see the heat in his eyes. He stares at me for what seems like ages and then growls, “Fuckwork. I want this more.”
