Page 31 of Twisted

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He grins wickedly and I can tell he thinks it’s in the bag.

Nodding toward a door at the end, he offers me his arm.

“Walk with me, Katherine. Let me show you around and we can discuss this in a more private setting.”

As I take his arm and walk, it’s with the whore inside me firmly in charge. As we leave the party behind, it’s the Reaper in me that walks with confidence. And as I smile up at the man looking at me with lust-filled eyes, it’s the man I love I hold in my heart. Whatever happens tonight, I will make sure it finishes here. Tomorrow is a new day and the new beginning I’ve promised myself. Kitty Rogers stays in this club, Katherine Rogers will never look back.

Todd walks with the arrogance of a man who has everything he wants - whenever he wants. He is polite and courteous as he points out various Art on the walls and discusses the history of the place. With each step taken, I fear he will hear the thump of my heart as my body tries to cope with the nerves.

We leave the party behind and he holds open the door of another amazing room. It appears to be an office of sorts, but is like no office I’ve ever seen. Wood paneling dresses it in grandeur, and the soft plush carpet disguises the tread of my nervous steps. The large desk dominates one end of the room, but it’s to the soft couch that he pulls me in front of a roaring open fire. Two glasses are set beside a decanter holding Dutch courage and he stares at me with a cocky grin and indicates for me to sit.

“Take a seat, Katherine. We will discuss the terms of the contract.”

I nod, looking interested, and as he sits opposite me I notice he reaches to pour the drink. As he does, I take a moment to set my recording equipment in place by pretending to study my reflection in my compact. As I place it back in my purse, I flick the switch on the minuscule recording device contained within.

Setting it carefully beside me, I face him with inquisitive eyes.

He takes a sip of the liquid and smiles.

“I have no doubt that what you are about to hear won’t shock you, Miss. Rogers. Preston told me of your arrangement and so I know I’m dealing with a professional.”

I just nod. “You are right, Sir. How may I be of assistance?”

He smiles slowly. “As you know, I am a powerful man in Washington and walk with similar companions. Our life is not for the faint-hearted and we have a certain image to protect. Everything we do is documented and commented on, and our lives have to stand up to the toughest scrutiny which accompanies our positions. However, we are men with needs - as most are. Our partners in life may not think along the same lines, so we need to arrange companions who do.”

He leans forward and stares into my eyes. “Do you understand me, Miss. Rogers?”

I lean back and cross my legs seductively and flash him the look of a woman who knows exactly what he wants. I nod and say, “Just get to the point, Senator.”

He laughs and leans back in his chair.

“Of course. Theclubis a gentleman’sclublike no other. Our members are a select few who share a certain preference for things that must remain inside these walls. Any partners we trust are scrutinized and selected for their discretion, and this brings with it great rewards. However, it’s becoming increasingly obvious that we need greater discretion and to tighten the ship. So, where we used to indulge in ladies provided for us by an intermediary, we’ve come to the conclusion that we need a live-in staff arrangement. Whoever takes the position will live here and be on hand to the members whenever they call. In return, they will be rewarded beyond their wildest dreams. Does this sound like something that would interest you,Miss.Rogers?”

I shrug and throw him a hard look. “Forgive me, Senator, but you are taking quite a chance here. What you have described is nothing short of prostitution and according to the laws that you have sworn to uphold, you are breaking them apart from the top. Why would you lay yourself open like this? For all you know, I could go running to the authorities and accuse you of all sorts.”

Todd looks at me and I see the steel behind his eyes.

He leans back and takes a swig of his drink and then laughs softly.

“Because what I have on you would send you down for the very crime you are accusing me of. We both know you are no stranger to prostitution, Miss. Rogers. So stop playing the innocent with me. You may not look like a street walker, but we both know you just dress up your package in a more designer way than most.”

I make to stand and he grabs my wrist hard.

“Don’t act the innocent. I’ve done my homework and my sources came up with some interesting details. Senator’s, businessmen, actors, and musicians. Even royalty and Arab Princes have availed themselves of your services. You don’t come cheap, Miss. Rogers, but word is you’re the best. Now, we like the best and that’s why you were invited here today. Your future could be very bright and you could count a President among your portfolio if you’d only say yes.”

I sink down heavily in my seat and take it all in. Fuck me, this is news to me. Vincent is as far removed from an Arab Prince as possible. Who’s been feeding him this stuff?

Instead, I harden my gaze and shrug noncommittally.

“Carry on.”

He leans forward, sensing victory.

“I have four friends who are very interested in our arrangement. You keep us happy and we will shower you with more riches than you’ve ever dreamed of. All we require is for you to sign a contract of non-disclosure and agree to our terms. Live here and be available when we call. You’ll enjoy the best of everything and be free to come and go as you please when you’re not on duty. There will be no other arrangements with any other clients, and you will sign the contract for three months in the first instance. If we are happy, then we’ll extend the contract. What do you say, Katherine?”

I flash him a smile and stare at him with heavy, lust-filled eyes.

“What do you want me to do?”
