Page 35 of Twisted

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We reach another staircase and he laughs gently. “We have a much more private set up at the top of the house. This will be where you live, in the apartment suite that accompanies our playroom. I imagine you’ll find it to be everything you’ve ever dreamed of.”

I just smile sexily and push down my real opinion. Is this guy for real? I picture his loving girlfriend waiting for him at home and imagine he’s told her he’s ‘working’.

I feel sorry for her, stuck with a creep like him coming home every night. He paints a picture to the voters of a devoted fiancé. A devout Christian and leader of men. If his adoring public could see him now.

He stops outside a double white door and opens it with a flourish. “Welcome to your new home, pet.”

I look around me and gasp out loud. As rooms go, this is among the best I’ve ever seen. White soft carpeting holds elegant furniture in place. Comfortable couches nestle among glass tables and beautiful lighting lights up every corner. The drapes look like the heaviest silk and the smell is amazing.

Todd pulls me inside and leads me toward a door at the end. He opens it and reveals a beautiful bedroom with the most enormous bed I’ve ever seen, dressed with silken sheets and fur throws.

He says briskly,

“This will be your room. Freshen up and then meet us on the opposite side of the room we’ve just been in. That’s our playroom and out of bounds unless one of us invites you in.

Meet us there in ten minutes and make sure you are wearing nothing but your underwear. Knock first and then kneel by the door facing the wall. We will come for you when we are ready.

I swallow - hard. Fuck me, this shit’s getting real.

He leaves me to freshen up and I bolt into the bathroom and make to lock the door. I soon realize there isn’t one and my heart sinks. Of course, I can’t escape them at any time. They have full access to me whenever they want. I’m a toy to be picked up and played with when it suits them, and I have no say in the matter.

I look in the huge mirror at the frightened eyes staring back at me. I can’t do this. I’m no whore inside. I never chose to be used by men. First, I was forced into it by a man who imprisoned me, and I had no choice. Then I moved between the hottest men I had ever met because I wanted to, not because they did - although they seemed happy enough to oblige me.

Ryder was the only one I loved with all my heart, but he didn’t love me. He was fond of me, I knew that, which made it kind of ok. But now there’s Sam, and I finally know what true love is.

The tears bathe my eyes as I picture his face. I can’t do this despite what Ryder thinks I’m capable of. I’m no whore, I’m just a woman who has found love after searching for it in all the wrong places. I can’t revenge those others because it will destroy me inside.

I feel the walls closing in on me as my situation hits home. What the hell have I done?

I think I must be in shock because I haven’t moved an inch when I hear a terse, “I said ten minutes and it’s been fifteen. You will soon learn that we don’t appreciate our orders disobeyed and now you will suffer the consequences.”

I quickly shout, “Sorry, I’ll be right there.”

Taking a deep breath, I unzip my dress and watch it fall to the floor. My black underwear mocks me as it reveals the whore beneath. I’m not even sure how I’ll set up the cameras. They won’t hide within the silk, and the only place to hide them is on the heel of my shoe. I need to think this through, but I don’t have time. So, I do as I first thought and press them in place on my inner heel. I must remember to place the shoe toes out so the cameras can work.

With a deep breath, I head back outside and note the empty room beckoning me toward my fate. Each step is like the walk of shame. My shame - because I agreed to see this through.

I reach the door and knock loudly before doing as they asked. Sinking to my knees, I face the wall and try to still my beating heart.


I think I’m about to lose my mind. Mr. Mohammed is playing hard to get, and it takes us about an hour before he agrees to take my call. All the time I study the picture on the screen while Cody bleats on about the contract. I try to still my anger because I need to keep a cool head.

As long as I see Katherine, I’m fine.

By the time the call comes through, I’m on my last nerve.

As soon as I hear his voice something switches inside me and I revert back to being the hard-assed businessman I am. I’m to the point and manage to talk my way into an extension until the government office opens, and the typo is redressed. After promising to attend to it personally and send the revised contracts over by mid-morning, he hangs up and I breathe a sigh of relief.

Cody looks at me and raises his eyes.

“Man, that was close. You’re a fucking legend, Sam.”

I smirk as I grab my coat and keys, snapping the computer shut as I head toward the door.

“You’d better believe it. Now I’m heading where I should have been two hours ago and you can clean up here. I’ll meet you back here at six in the morning and we’ll go through the contract with a magnifying glass. This needs to be watertight when the new draft leaves this office.

Cody nods and I smile briefly. “Thanks, Cody. I appreciate your help.”
