Page 39 of Twisted

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I nod toward the monitors. “What you got?”

He exhales sharply. “This place is out of control. There’s not a room unused and your men have taken her to the penthouse.”

He flicks a switch and I feel the rage claw at my heart as I see Katherine kneeling outside a large wooden door. I growl, “And the targets?”

He says darkly, “All inside waiting. What’s the plan?”

I shift closer to the screen and watch as Todd exits the room and stands behind her. I ball a fist and growl, “We wait. Have you got eyes inside the room?”

He flicks another switch and we watch as the room comes to life before our eyes. I see the four men sitting on a couch laughing and my blood boils. I growl, “Look at that fucking place. What sort of animals are these guys?”

Bill laughs softly. “The kind that tears up the very laws they make. The kind that makes it up as they go along to suit themselves. These guys rule over the rest of us and spit at decent folk from a great height. You know, Sam, I was more than happy to help you out with this. It’s been a long time coming and I can’t wait to see them get what’s coming to them.”

I stare at the screen with a hard look. “That makes two of us, Bill. What about backup, are they in place?”

He calls up another screen and I see the vans parked up outside.

The relief hits me as I see that everything’s waiting for my signal. I look back at Katherine and watch as she follows Todd into the room. I almost can’t look because I want to call it now. If they touch one hair on her head, then I’m going in myself. Bill watches me fearfully,

“You sure you’re ok with this, Sam. I can call it if you’d rather.”

I snarl. “Like hell, you will. This is my operation, and she’s relying on me.”

There is silence as we see the men sink as low as a man can get. I watch as Katherine shakes her head and hear the pain in her voice as she pleads with them. Just one more shot is all it’ll take. She needs to be the victim, and they need to break the law before our very eyes.

As soon as that bastard moves between her legs and touches her, I shout, “Send them in. Now!”

Bill connects to the agent on the ground and calls out the code and we watch as the Feds storm the place. My eyes are riveted to the screen, and it takes every ounce of willpower in me not to go in guns blazing. This is not the end of this sorry tale, there is still one card to play and it’s a trump one. So, with difficulty, I watch helplessly as the Feds do what they’ve been trained to do.

As soon as they reach the penthouse, I feel my heart thumping wildly. I watch as the men scramble to cover up and see the President storm out angrily. Then I watch as they chain the woman I love to the cross on the wall and gag her.

Bill looks at me fearfully and well he might. I have murder in my heart and revenge in my eyes. Those men wouldn’t survive if I went to that room, and it goes against everything in me to accept what has to happen next.

Chapter 23


Iwatch Todd pacing around the room as the tears run down my face. There is nothing I can do to free myself, and the restraints are cutting into my wrists. Todd looks like hell and as he looks over, he shakes his head. “Why did you bail on us? It could have been so different. All you had to do was play along. We wouldn’t hurt you; you could have had everything.”

I look down and he crosses the room and removes the gag. He reaches up and brushes my tears away in a strangely gentle gesture. I say in a whisper, “Why do you do this? You could have any woman you wanted. Why take someone against their will?”

He laughs flatly. “Because we have fallen so far down the rabbit hole, there’s no way out. We formed this hellish club when we first discovered we shared the same preferences. Chester made sure we all followed him into office and this was our golden handcuff. We were chained together by depravity and it just escalated the more powerful we became. This is a drug, Katherine. We play the game and toe the political line, and this is how we get our kicks after a hard day. If our families knew how we spent our nights, do you think we would be the respected politicians we are today? No, this is our sordid little secret that we share. If one bails, it throws the rest off balance. All for one and one for all. If one goes down the pack of cards folds. So, you see, we have no choice. This is how it’s going to be, and we make the most of it.”

I say softly, “But you know it’s wrong. Why don’t you speak out?”

He looks at me angrily and I feel a flash of fear as he laughs. “Because I love it. I get off on the danger and feed off the secrecy. I enjoy sharing a woman and it turns me on to see others enjoying what I provide. You think I’m trapped in this, I thrive on it.”

He moves across and stands before me and touches my breast. He leans down and kisses it, and I begin to shake. He groans, “I love it when the woman is unwilling. I love to feel the power I have over her as she cowers under my touch. It makes me hard just thinking about it. I am a hunter Katherine and like to conquer. I watch the light dim in their eyes and feel victorious. So, you see, I am a monster of the worst kind because I have no remorse. Some may call me sick, and maybe I am. But I’m protected by the highest power in this land, and so why should I worry?”

I watch in fear as his eyes dilate as he presses into me. “Maybe I’ll just finish what I started before your future arrives. I’m not sure where you’ll end up, but if you survive, you’ll think back on our offer and wish you’d taken it.”

He reaches out and grabs my breast hard, and I watch in disbelief as he unzips his pants. Before he can do anything, there’s a sharp knock on the door and he pulls back. He shakes his head as he pulls his pants back up. “Such a shame. Your ride’s here, honey, and now we’ll never know how good it could have been.”

I think I’m going to faint as he walks over to the door. As he opens it, I hear him say darkly, “She’s all yours.”

I almost can’t look, but as he leaves another enters. My heart beats frantically in my chest as I wonder what’s in store. Then the tears fill my eyes and my heart lurches in my chest as I see him staring at me with those angry eyes. Ryder.

Chapter 24
