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Adam interrupts my thoughts of Ella and says brightly, “Penelope said she hasn’t seen you much lately.”

“That doesn’t concern me.”

He laughs. “You know what women are like. She thinks she needs to wine and dine you as my boss, keep you in a close circle so it assures our position at the top of the social elite.”

“You married one of those, I’m surprised, Adam, I didn’t know Penelope was like that?”

I don’t miss the flicker of distaste that passes across his face as he sighs. “Neither did I?”

“Then what changed?”

He shrugs. “I’m not sure, really. Maybe I spend too long here, but she’s developed a circle of friends I’m not enamored of. You know the type, socialite, gold digger, bored housewife and money grabber. Suddenly, Penelope is listening to them and accepting invitations to brunch and social drinks parties. The usual high rollers who suck up to my ass in the hope of gaining favor with you.”


Adam laughs slightly bitterly, which surprises me.

“It’s always you, Lucas. They all want to get close, push the monkey aside to reach the organ grinder. The Casino King, the man with gambling in his hand. The top dog and the prize for men and women alike. Penelope has tried to arrange dates for most of her single friends, but I’ve made your excuses. Told her you were busy and had your back. The trouble is, the knives, or should I say nails, are sharpening as we speak and she won’t let up. It’s why I prefer to be here because when I get home, she’s on me like a rash and not in the way I want either.”

He looks so subdued I’m shocked. He’s a newlywed for Christ’s sake, this is not looking good for his future.

“Tell her I’ll come, arrange it.”

My words take him by surprise and he looks up in shock.

“Tell her what?”

“That I’ll come to her little gathering, drinks party, or whatever the fuck she’s got planned, but I’m bringing a guest.”

Adam laughs. “Miss. Quinn, perhaps. I knew it.”

I can’t help but laugh. “She’ll do for the occasion. Yes, let’s play Penelope at her own game and use the delightful Miss Quinn to make my point. Then she may get off your case and go back to being the horny wife you need, rather than the manipulating one.”

“I can but hope.” Adam shakes his head, and I feel concerned for my friend. I know it was a quick marriage, then again, we live in Vegas, it’s not uncommon but part of me wonders if this was something else. Maybe Penelope had a hidden agenda that is being put in place. I hope I’m wrong but I need to know and the fact Ella will be by my side makes a dull evening more interesting.

As the door opens, I look up and see the woman herself balancing a tray as she heads inside and I can tell she’s happier. The sparkle in her eyes tells me that and as she sets the tray on the boardroom table, she smiles at Adam warmly.

“I hope you like coffee. I wasn’t sure if you’d prefer tea, but I brought a selection just in case.”

She smiles at him so sweetly I’m instantly annoyed and just hearing her direct that soft, husky voice in his direction makes me jealous which surprises me. I don’t get jealous—ever.

She turns and hands me my phone. “I’m sorry, sir, I took a few calls for you. Your doctor called and said he had that treatment for your, um, man parts ready. I told him we would swing past the clinic later. Also, Dixie called and told me the woman has left your apartment but you may need new sheets, oh and a fresh supply of condoms.”

She grins impishly and I catch Adam trying to stifle a laugh.

“Anything else.”

My voice is even, but I am imagining all sorts of punishments for the desirable woman who is begging for it right now as she shrugs. “No, unless the call from your lawyer can wait. He was just checking on the paternity suit concerning the lady boy from Paris who claims to be your son. Other than that, here’s your coffee, sir, will there be anything else?”

“You may sit, Miss. Quinn, and if I have any further use of you, be sure I will let you know. The corner - now.”

I point to the chair against the wall and laugh to myself as she nods. “Thank you, sir.”

Adam starts droning on about spreadsheets again and I am so distracted because Ella takes it upon herself to cross her legs, her skirt rising high above her thighs as she chews her pen and throws suggestive looks my way. I know what she’s doing and I love every minute of it because I’m under no illusion this is just a game to her. She doesn’t really want me; she just wants to mess with me and I’m loving it.

Ten minutes is all I can stand before I say abruptly, “We’ll leave it there. Make sure those reports are with me by 7 and organize the investigation I requested. Text me the time and place Penelope arranges; we’ll leave you to it.”

“No problem.”

We stand and I say roughly, “Miss. Quinn, stop daydreaming and pay attention. I’m taking you on a tour so you see how things work and I don’t expect you to stop concentrating for one second, or else I’ll re-think your position in my company.”

Adam rolls his eyes, but Ella just nods respectfully. “Of course, sir, I’m keen to learn. You know, I always wanted to be a croupier, I think it has something to do with watching men sweat when they stand to lose everything, such a delightful image, wouldn’t you say?”

Adam laughs out loud and I storm from the room, my hand itching in anticipation of a delightful evening ahead.

Keep going, Miss. Quinn, every word has consequences and yours are about to come back and bite you.
