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Iam so angry. That man was a pig and Lucas just sat there unconcerned and unemotional. Those men are pigs and the whole world’s a pig, and if I’ve learned anything today, it’s that I hate them all.

I grit my teeth as the kettle boils and briefly consider taking the elevator and heading home. I’m pretty certain no one would stop me, but there is something keeping me here and I hate myself for my weakness. It’s him, Lucas, the man who has ruined me and carried on with his day. I hate myself for my weakness because I’m not strong enough to do something I must. Leave.

Dixie finds me pacing the small kitchen and the sympathy in her eyes causes the tears to enter mine and to my surprise she steps forward and pulls me in for a hug.

“It’s ok, honey, let it all out.”

For a moment I’m tempted because this small act of kindness is going a long way right now but I just take some long, deep breaths and say sadly, “How do you deal with this? Those men, Lucas, the power play and dirty talking?”

“And there I was thinking this was quite an easy day.”

She laughs softly and I shake my head. “These men are, well, disgusting. Do you know what that…”

“Which one?”

She rolls her eyes and I sigh. “That Damien guy is seriously disgusting. Do I really have to go back in there?”

“Probably, but I’m guessing he’s left already. Lucas will have dispatched him quickly enough. He’s on a deadline, after all.”

At the mention of Lucas, my face must fall and Dixie sighs. “Don’t think badly of him, honey, he’s actually one of the good guys, he just forgets that sometimes.”

“I can’t work him out, Dixie. One minute he’s fun to be around, kind, good company and a man that interests me, the next he’s cold, rude and a bastard really.”

Dixie nods. “He has to be. Listen, I’ve worked with him long enough to know most of it’s a front. It’s what makes him so successful. He needs to be cold, a bastard, and it kind of goes with the job. Give him time because I’m guessing he’s in new territory right now and is probably struggling to deal with that.”

“In what way?”

“You. He’s never spent longer than two hours with any woman to my knowledge in the past. If he uses them to escort him to functions, he does everything he can not to have an actual conversation with them. If he uses them for sex, they spend time in his bed and are then sent on their way. He has never taken a woman to his apartment before, let alone had them to stay. He’s in a different place with you and we had hoped…”


“That you would be the one he needs; to be the person we are rooting for, the woman who will crack the shell he lives behind because Lucas is drowning in the past and there is nobody around to save him.”

“What do you mean?”

Dixie looks sad. “It’s not for me to say. Lucas is the second most important man in my life and I will never speak out of turn. I love that man like a brother which is a strange thing to say when he’s such a bastard most of the time, but when you crack him, he’s fiercely loyal and the kindest person I have ever known. It’s why we protect him and why we let him control our lives.”

“You and Tom.”

She nods. “We love him like family and we’re all he has. We were both kind of hoping you would join us, so word of advice, whatever he says or does, read between the lines. He will push you away, but only if you let him. I’m not saying it will be easy because you probably want to kill him right now but please, try at least, don’t let him push you away, he needs you.”

“How do you know; he has made it obvious he’s bored already?”

“If he was bored, you wouldn’t be here now. I know you’re here for your own protection, he told us that at least, but Lucas has an empire and it would be easy for him to protect you without having to live with you. Ask yourself why he insists on watching you every hour of the day, ask yourself why he can’t bear to let you out of his sight? It’s because he wants you by his side, which tells me everything I need to know. He’s struggling and him pushing you away is a reaction to that. Be strong, Ella, and if you want him, fight for him because if you manage it, he will be the best thing to ever happen to you.”

She smiles and says kindly, “We should get back. He has one more meeting and then I’m guessing you need to eat. Chalk this one up as a bad day at the office. Take some time to get your head straight, sleep on it, and start a new day clear of the past. If you ever need to talk, both Tom and I know more than most how frustrating he can be. Trust us and trust no one. It will get you through.”

She heads off with a wry smile and I think on our conversation. Now I’ve cooled down a little, I can see her words make perfect sense. Yes, Lucas is struggling, I kind of guessed that, but can I put myself through this mind fuck? I already know the answer, so I sigh and grab the coffee and just wonder if I will end up dousing our disgusting guest in it. Then again, I may be tempted to direct it on Lucas instead after the way he made me feel.

Sighing heavily, I head back into the room.
