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Idon’t know why I never thought of this before. It’s perfect and I’m a fool for not thinking of it earlier. I was so on edge having her stay in my apartment I forgot who I was for a moment. Ella is my Kryptonite. She is slowly destroying me inside and I need to regain control. It’s who I am, what I do, and now I have the perfect answer. I get to keep her and on my terms. She will love every minute and we get an arrangement of the most delicious kind.

I’m keen to get this sorted so I wrap up my texts and as soon as the car sweeps into the underground car park, I’m pulling her from it with an urgency that surprises even me.

We ride my private elevator in silence because I am thinking my plan through. Ella appears angry, and that excites me even more. This couldn’t be more perfect if I scripted it myself and so, as soon as we exit the elevator, I say darkly, “Come, I have something to show you.”

She follows me in silence and I wonder what she’ll make of this.

We head to the furthest corner where there are some stairs leading upward. The door that guards them is only accessed by my finger print, ensuring only I have access. Some may call it a panic room, the perfect place for a target to hide in safety. I have a more depraved function for this room and have only brought a handful of whores here before to test it out. I come here when I’m feeling at my most depraved. My darkest point and part of me is screaming at me not to bring Ella here. The thing is, somehow, I know she’ll love this every bit as much as I do, and so my heart beats with excitement as I prepare to reveal the dark side to my soul.

As I open the door, the darkness greets us and she says nervously, “What is this place?”

Flicking on the lights, I just stare as the penny drops.

She looks frightened, sick even, and yet there’s a spark in her eyes that tells me I was right. She’s interested.

“Is this what I think it is?”

Her eyes are wide as she stares around the room in disbelief. “It is.”

“But…” She’s lost for words, and I push her into the room a little. “Take a look around, ask me any questions. I’m guessing you have a few.”

“I’m happy that she steps inside instead of turning to run, and I watch with interest as she prowls around what is in reality a dungeon. A sex room where only the depraved play. A room no decent person should ever set eyes on and a place to purge the darkest thoughts from a sadist’s mind.

There’s the wooden cross on the wall with leather restraints dangling from the sides. The large bed in the center with no covers, only a wipe clean padded bench to inflict the most exquisite torture. The various toys hung on the wall that bring me the greatest pleasure. This is my playroom and I am running the risk of Ella hating me with every bone in her body.

“Wow.” Her soft voice echoes around the room and she shakes her head. “You know, I’ve read Fifty Shades with the rest of them and never thought things like this really existed. Do you come here often?”

She laughs softly and I laugh with her. “I come here a lot.”

She giggles and my heart settles. She doesn’t hate me.

“You know, Lucas, I feel a little like that woman in Fifty Shades, are you about to make me sign a contract to be your slave?”

I nod. “Something like that.”


“What’s interesting about a contract?”

“Nothing but the interesting thing is, why you think I’d agree? I mean, I’m flattered and all, but it’s not really me. To be honest, this whole experience is a little surreal. First, there was that whole Pretty Woman thing with the clothes and stuff. Now there’s this, making me wonder what’s next?”

“That’s up to you.”

“Is it, I doubt that?”

Sitting on the edge of the bed, I stare at her with interest.

“What do you want, Ella—really want?”

She appears to hesitate and her cheeks burn as she looks to the floor. I say nothing and she runs her fingers through her hair with distraction and says sadly, “I want to live, Lucas. I don’t want to settle for the ordinary. I want to be free to make my own choices, to live my best life but I want excitement and the unusual, so maybe there’s a part of this that does interest me—excite me even but I’m not sure it’s really enough for me.”

“Then what is?” I think I hold my breath as I wait to hear what’s in her heart. She told me she loved me in one impetuous moment of madness. Is that what she wants, the hearts and flowers and declarations of love because if it is, I’m screwed because I know I can’t give her that. I can give her anything else but that.

She sighs. “I want it all, Lucas, the whole package. I’m not talking about money or the lifestyle that brings with it. I’m talking about the relationship. It doesn’t even have to be marriage and babies, I’m too young for that right now. I want my independence, my business, and yet I want to be in love with a man who sets me on fire with one look. Someone to share my thirst for life, someone a little edgy, who colors outside the lines and makes me feel so hard I look forward to every hour we’re together. Somehow, I think you tick those boxes, Lucas, but you’re holding back from me. You want me, I know that, but for how long? You like to control; I think that’s pretty obvious right now, but you’re afraid to let anyone in. I would always feel on the outside, just a distraction, someone to play with until you get bored and I’m not sure where that would leave me.”

“It would be fun though.” Even I hate myself right now as I say the first words that crawl into my thick brain. “Yes, it would be fun, but it wouldn’t be enough.”

She shakes herself. “Anyway, it doesn’t matter what I want, it’s what we have now that counts, so come on, show me what this fuck palace can do, I’m dying to find out.”

She grins and looks so wicked it makes me almost come already, and I stare at her with the strangest feeling inside. Ella Quinn is an intoxicating woman, and she doesn’t even realize it. She’s so shady and yet so pure and innocent. She begs to be corrupted and then would probably head off and bake an apple pie to take to the priest in church on a Sunday. She is the most interesting, sexy, beautiful woman I have ever met and the one I fear losing the most. She’s unlike any other woman I have ever met and would probably walk away without looking back if she wanted to. If I want to keep her, I need to prove I’m worthy and that is what I am struggling most with. I’m not. I never will be all the time I live like this. My heart is not for the taking, it never will be, and yet I have a feeling that’s the only thing that would keep her by my side.

To my surprise, she starts removing her clothes and I watch with a passion that surprises me. Just seeing her acceptance of the darkest part of my soul makes me more emotional than I ever thought possible. As she walks slowly toward me, I can’t tear my eyes away and as she drops to her knees and bows her head, she gives me everything I thought I wanted.

“Is this what you had in mind, master?”

Her soft voice cuts through the layers of the hard shell I have set in place and waft around my soul. Hearing her submit to me sends me to a place I’ve never been before, and I’m in no hurry to leave. Removing my belt, I say darkly, “Yes, flower, this is exactly what I had in mind.”
