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Tom has surpassed himself tonight and arranged a meal fit for a king and his queen. I’m in no doubt at all that my queen is Ella. When she spoke about leaving and spending time with another man, it enraged me. Just the thought of it has me imagining chaining her to the cross in my playroom and keeping her there forever. I can’t keep her and I can’t let her go free. I need her; she needs me, and this is a fucked-up situation with no resolution. I wasn’t kidding when I told her I would never love her but I lied. I already do. It’s that what’s scaring me the most. If I love, I lose. It will always be that way because she will be an attractive target for all the fuckers who want to get back at me. Just seeing Damian Reed demonstrate that fact when he cast his eyes on her told me as much. I know how it works and no one must ever know how valuable she is to me.

But then again, the thought of her in another man’s arms, bearing his children and living a dull life in the suburbs, makes my heart bleed even more. Could this work, I’m holding onto a shred of hope that it can, but I must tread carefully and test the water first because the last thing I want is for Ella to drown in my mistakes.

As we eat, Ella chatters nonsense, which is fine by me. She always does this. Fills in the awkward silences with meaningless conversation. The weather, the color of the fucking curtains, Tom this, Tom that and funny stories she’s heard on the tv. It’s what I love. The sense of normality that greets me when I drag myself out from behind my desk. A loving smile and a sense of having someone close who genuinely looks forward to seeing me every day.

Then there are the nights. The endless sex and explorations of a fucked-up mind. The hours spent in the playroom while I drive Ella to destruction. She is a willing student and brings me great pleasure, and I can’t remember a time when I was this happy—because of her.

After a while, I groan and she looks up in surprise. “What’s up?”

“I forgot, it’s Penelope’s stupid brunch tomorrow. We have to go.”

Ella stills and says tightly, “Penelope?”

I love the surge of jealousy in her eyes and I smile. “Adam’s wife.”

She visibly relaxes and I feel like the cocky bastard I am because she may pretend to be casual about things, but there’s a jealous streak in my flower that I love seeing. Sometimes I prod her just to see it emerge because I love how possessive she is over me, as I am her.

“What’s it about?”

“Adam told me she’s keen to elevate herself as the queen of all she surveys. Having me as guest of honor would do that in a heartbeat.”

“You’re a little sure of yourself. Honestly, Lucas, could your ego get any bigger?”

She shakes her head as I smirk. “Just stating the facts, darlin’. Your… well, I’m in great demand around here.”

“My what, Lucas?” She smirks and I sigh inside as she noticed my small slip up.

“Your master.” I grin and she laughs.

“Keep telling yourself that, we both know it’s the other way around.”

“I’ll remind you of that later when you’re bound before me and I’m fucking your smart mouth.”

Her eyes light up and we share a dark and twisted grin. Yes, two halves of the same coin, which is ironic really when it’s that that brought her to me in the first place.

“Do I have to go?” She looks bored already, which is what I love about her. She’s not interested in cosying up to the social elite, despite having the man on her arm they all want. Most women would pay to go with me, be the envy of everyone around here, but not Ella. She would prefer to be working in her new office, creating works of Art to sell to her appreciative customers.

Thinking of her gratitude in our playroom turns me on so much I’m impatient to get there and I say roughly. “Of course you have to come. Do you really think I want to be unleashed on a pack of ravenous bitches? I need you to keep them away and protect me.”

She just sighs and nods. “Ok, but you’ll owe me—big time.”

“I can do big.” I rub my crotch and she laughs. “I’ll think of something else you can do to repay me, just don’t expect me to enjoy meeting those people, I can’t think of anything worse to be honest.”

“Neither can I.” We share an anguished look, and she laughs as Tom heads into the room and beams. “Have you finished; can I fetch you anything else?”

“No thanks.” We both speak at the same time and Tom smiles and then looks down. I know my staff love Ella and want us to make things work. They probably think we are—making it work and I suppose to an extent we are. We just don’t have a label on it and sometimes I wonder if we’re destined to drift along the way we are, both of us ignoring the fact that one can’t live without the other.

As soon as Tom leaves, I say darkly, “Are you ready to accept your punishment, my little flower?”

Her eyes light up and she licks her lips, making me instantly hard.

“Then come, I’m feeling particularly devilish tonight.”

As she walks behind me, I feel the anticipation growing by the second as I contemplate a debauched evening doing what I love the most. Her.
