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Two shots fired in rapid succession and Adam says quickly, “What the fuck was that?”

He jumps up and I say roughly, “Sit down, Adam, for fuck’s sake just do it.”

He looks at me ashen faced and my heart pounds so hard, I think it’s going to pack up on me and his voice shakes. “Lucas, what the fuck is going on?”

“Fuck if I know but that call, it was my security telling me to stay here and don’t move.”

“Do you think someone’s in the house, someone with payback on their mind?”

Adam looks scared shitless and I’m not far off. All I can focus on are the images in my head of a different gun fight. Different people having their lives ended that day and yet this time it’s not them, it’s Ella and the pain is too much, too intense and I’m struggling to breathe.

Adam whispers, “Penelope, god do you think she’s ok?”

“Who gives a fuck?” I can’t even think about that woman but Adam growls, “She may have betrayed me but she’s still my wife. What if she…”

“Adam I…”

My voice shakes as I struggle to think rationally. How can I comfort him when my life could have ended outside this room? What if Ella was caught in the crossfire? I can only hope she is standing with the rest of the guests and never sent that text in the first place. It’s the only hope I cling on to as we wait for the moment of madness to pass and are given the all clear.

Ryder has been monitoring my phone since the day he arrived in Vegas and has been looking into everyone around me, every phone call, every conversation and all my computer records. He would have got that text, which is why I called him first. I do nothing without his say so and from the tone of his voice, he already knew what was unfolding outside this room.

“Stay put.”

Those were his words and it’s agonizing to wait. I feel powerless but know I must play my part. I trust him with my life, we all do, which is why the thought of him being taken out not so long ago, is not one I ever want to face. Without Ryder and his slick operation, none of us are safe, which is why he was the first target. Obviously, I’m next but who is doing this? It doesn’t make sense and so against every part of me that has feeling, I do as he says even though I want to tear this house apart to find the only person who matters to me that I am fast realizing I can’t live without.

However, I have to trust him and all I can think of is that when things are out of your hands, remember whose hands they’re in. Ella is in the safest hands in this world and I have to put my trust in him on that.

I tune Adam out and think about Ella. I offer a silent prayer to God to save her and if she walks through that door, to hell with my fears. She won’t ever leave my side again because now I fear her not being in my life, much more than worrying for her safety if she is. I will make her safe, I will wrap her in protection and ensure that no harm ever comes to her because I love Ella Quinn. The hole in my heart that is bleeding right now out of fear for her tells me that.

Adam sounds desperate as he jumps up, “Fuck this, I’m heading outside.”

I don’t even think and draw my gun and say ominously, “Sit the fuck down, you’re going nowhere.”

He stares at me in disbelief as I hold my gun at his head and he stutters, “What the fuck, Lucas, what’s happening?”

“I’m keeping us safe; you go through that door and you might not make it. This is our only chance at surviving this shit storm and if you think I’m about to lose another person who means everything to me, you’re mistaken.”

To my surprise, his eyes shine with tears and he nods. “Thanks, man.”

At this moment it’s just the two of us. Two men who stand to lose everything but have always had each other’s backs. Two brothers by choice not blood, who would kill for each other and I will not let him fall if I can prevent it. I will always have Adam’s back and if that involves hard decisions from time to time, then I’ll make them in a heartbeat because I will not lose him. It would break me, so an eerie silence descends on the room as we wait for our destiny to be fulfilled and neither one of us are responsible for the outcome of that.

* * *

It feelslike hours but can only be a few minutes before we hear footsteps approaching and my finger curls around the trigger of my gun, as I aim it at the door.

A gruff voice outside has me lowering my weapon and as the door opens, I think every favor I have ever asked from God is repaid as Ryder heads into the room carrying a blood-soaked Ella. Jumping up, I run toward her and as Ryder lowers her to the ground, she turns to face me with a mixture of relief and fear.

Her voice breaks as she whispers, “Oh my god, Lucas, thank God.”

She falls into my arms and as they wrap around her, I pull her close and whisper, “Are you hurt?”

She shakes her head and the relief hits me hard and as my eyes connect with Ryder’s, I direct all my gratitude his way.

Then I hear Adam shout, “Is Penelope ok?” and I don’t think there is a sound in the room as the atmosphere darkens and Ryder shakes his head. “I’m sorry.”

I am so torn right now because I can’t bear to let Ella leave my arms for a second but as Adam falls to his chair, I know he needs me right now but Ella beats me to it and breaks free and races across to him. “Adam, stay focused, listen to Ryder, you have to.”

I stare at them both in shock as she kneels before him and takes his hands in hers. Her compassion for him tears at the already jagged shards of my heart that has been battered so cruelly in such a short time. The tears run down her face as she whispers, “If you have to grieve, remember her for the woman she was with you, not the woman she really was. Hold onto those images and treasure the good times because they are all you have left.”

“What happened?” Adam’s voice is rough and Ella looks at Ryder who says gruffly, “Someone fetch us all a fucking drink, you need to hear this before we leave this room.”

Reaching for the decanter, I pour us all a glass of whiskey and Ella hands hers to Adam and stares at him with compassion. As our own eyes meet, the love shining from hers mends every broken piece of my heart because there’s an understanding in them that tells me she feels the same. Ella is going nowhere and she knows that, so I smile and nod and love seeing the relief in her eyes.

As Ryder starts to talk, my only concern right now is for the broken man who has just lost his wife.
