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She steps aside and I see the disbelief on her face as she stares at the homeless man blending into the shadows of life in an alcove outside the door.

“Harry sleeps here most nights, although god only knows why he prefers it to most other places in town.”

Harry laughs. “Maybe it’s the hospitality.”

Reaching into my pocket, I pull out a wad of $50 bills and hand it to him. “For your attention.”

He nods and pockets the cash and stares at Lexi. “Is this your woman, Hunter?”

“Yes.” The words leave my lips almost immediately, and Lexi looks a little surprised. Slipping my arm around her waist, I pull her close to me and suddenly see a whole lot of opportunities to make this pretense more fun.

“Lexi, meet Harry, probably the only man in New York who seems to actually like me.”

Harry grins. “Or it could be your money I like, you’re just a by-product of that I must endure for the greater good.”

We share a smile and Lexi looks on in astonishment. I can tell I’ve surprised her, shocked her even, and I prolong our conversation so I can lengthen the time she is in my arms. “Yes, Lexi is my girlfriend. What do you think?”

Harry looks her up and down and she stiffens beside me, probably at my description. Then he grins. “Hi, Lexi. You have my sympathies.”

She laughs and I feel her relax a little. “Thanks, Harry, it’s a hard job but someone has to do it I suppose.”

I’m surprised she doesn’t move away a little and if anything, presses even closer and I try to tell myself it’s not because of the chill in the air.

Then she says with interest, “So, how do you two know one another?”

Harry grins, revealing his imperfect set of teeth that are decaying more every time I see him. “We share a love of the Yankees.”

He opens his dirty coat and proudly shows off his signed shirt. “Hunter gave me this for my birthday and it is still the best present I have ever received.”

“He did?” Lexi looks at me a little differently and for some reason I like how it makes me feel. She seems impressed for the first time and it feels good.

“Yes, he mentioned he was a fan and we often share a conversation about our team. Harry used to be a sports reporter and has some great stories to tell.”

He nods. “Another life, Lexi. Who knew it would turn out to be so amazing now?”

We share a laugh and I can tell she’s confused and I say gently, “Well, we won’t keep you, Harry, I’m sure you have somewhere you’d rather be right now. Tell the others I said hi.”

Harry offers me his usual salute. “Thanks, man, always grateful. Where’s your fancy car, don’t tell me you’re actually putting leather to asphalt right now?”

“There’s a first time for everything, Harry. I’ll let you know how it goes.”

Harry nods and bows toward Lexi in a sweet show of respect and as he shuffles off, she whispers, “That’s surprised me—a lot and I’m not often surprised, tell me about him.”

We start walking and I don’t miss that my arm is still wrapped around her tiny waist. She will probably pretend it’s because of the cold, but I know she’s happy about it and that makes me happy for some reason.

“Harry used to be a sports reporter. He was a good one, but it all fell apart when his wife left him and he took to the bottle and had no reason for living anymore. He fell into depression and used alcohol to solve his problems. Subsequently, he fell apart and rather than seek help, he folded under the pressure and when his wife got the house, half his income and custody of his kids because of his drinking, he gave up and took to the streets.”

“And you gave him money, he’s probably headed to the nearest liquor store to cash it in.”

“Don’t judge me without the facts, baby. I’ve offered to set Harry up countless times. An apartment to live in, a job in my company, money, food and a place to start again but he’s happy where he is.”

“You’re kidding me?”

“I’m not. You see, Harry has learned that he prefers to be free. He wants no responsibilities, to remove himself from the rat race and drift around New York in his own little world. The money I gave him will be put to good use because Harry likes to help others in his situation. He will use that money to buy food, clothing and even a bed for the night for another poor soul who has fallen on hard times. The others I spoke of are the homeless people at the shelter I set up in Brooklyn. It provides a bed for the night and volunteers come in and help. Doctors, hairdressers, chiropodists to name just a few. Clothes, supplies and food are donated, and it’s a place of safety for people who need it more than most.”

As I speak, I feel so proud of my involvement in the shelter because it’s my own personal project that I keep to myself. Harry is one of many friends I have made there and it’s not unusual for me to spend a morning there helping out in the kitchen. Nobody knows this side of me because it’s my own personal bolt hole, away from the corporate privileged life I lead and the one that brings me the most satisfaction.

To my surprise, Lexi stops and turns to face me, and I see the tears brimming in her gorgeous eyes. The next thing I know those soft lips are once again pressed against mine and I swear time stands still as she whispers softly, “Thank you.”

She pulls away and I resist the urge to pull her back and finish the job, but I need to tread carefully here and say gruffly, “For what?”

“For Harry, for what you do and for showing me you aren’t all bad.”

Looking around me, I lower my head and whisper, “Don’t talk so loudly, someone might hear.”

Grinning, she settles back against me and starts walking and says sleepily, “You’re a fraud, Hunter Blake, a big fat fraud who will be unmasked one day because you are not half as bad as you make out.”

“Keep telling yourself that, baby, you’ll need that opinion a lot in the coming days because I’m guessing it will change real fast the more time you spend with me.”

She laughs softly and as we walk, I struggle to remember a time I felt so content. This is so simple, so ordinary, and yet I would pay millions to do this regularly with her by my side.
