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Ihead straight to my office and reach for my phone. I expect he’s already thought of this, but just in case, I need to run something past Ryder.

He answers almost immediately. “Hunter.”

“Ryder. Just a thought, are you any further forward with why this is happening?”

“I have my own ideas.”

“Just ideas–not facts.”

“Not yet.”

“I was thinking…”

“Never a good sign.”

“Do you want to hear this or not?” My voice is irritable because today has tested my patience more than most and he laughs softly, “Go on.”

“I started to question why anyone would want us out of the picture. Surely if we go, somebody else must take our place, replacements possibly under someone else’s control.”

“That also occurred to me.”

He sounds thoughtful and I say with interest. “Who do you suspect?”


I feel so frustrated because this man is killing any patience I had left in me and I growl, “Well, for the record, I think you should look at reasons why any of us would be better off removed from our positions. What is driving the person, or people to do this and is something happening in the future that they are uncertain of? If we crumble, chaos rules and why would anybody want that, unless they stand to gain heavily from it?”

“Or else have our replacements lined up already and nobody would ever know, isn’t that what we specialize in, after all?”

I know he’s right, and this is a puzzle that will take some piecing together and I sigh. “Lexi knows.”

“That didn’t take long.”

“What can I say, I had a shit day, and she insisted I unburden myself to her.”



“That you would listen to what she wants. What’s the matter, Hunter, are you finally realizing it’s good to share?”

“Possibly, then again, when you cut off ties with your family - permanently, the world can seem a lonely place.”

For a moment there’s silence and then Ryder says evenly, “Adam, how was he when you saw him?”

“You suspect, Adam, that’s just stating the obvious.”

“Sometimes the answer is the one standing right in front of our eyes. We look past it because it seems too obvious.”

“Adam hates me, I’ve always known that, but he’s not strong enough to get involved in this shit. He is more comfortable being the playboy around town and trying to screw even more money from my parents. What would he gain from my death, my fortune is separate from his and he has no claim to it?”

“Maybe someone has made him an offer he can’t refuse.”

“Possible. Are you watching him?”

“We’re watching them all but so far, nothing.”
