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Idon’t think I’ve ever been as happy as I am now. Hunter is everything to me. He may be rude, arrogant and hard to take sometimes, but I love how he is when he thinks no one’s watching. When his guard is down and he reveals his emotions. I know he loves me, at least he thinks he does and I know I love him, too much for comfort and these past few days have been the happiest of my life and it’s only a matter of time before the bubble bursts and covers me in shit.

Hunter is in the shower when my phone vibrates on the side table by the bed. Grabbing it, my heart lurches when I see the caller’s identity.

Quickly, I grab a t-shirt and throw it on and leave the room, my heart beating frantically as I wonder what this means.

Heading out onto the balcony, I need the air to inflate my lungs, and my fingers tremble as I swipe to view the message.

Lexi, change of plans. The target needs removing tonight.

Name—Hunter Blake. Text me the evidence when it’s done.


My hand shakes and I feel like retching. I sit down heavily on the soft seating and stare blindly out at the skyline, and my entire body trembles as everything changes in a heartbeat. Kill Hunter. What the fuck?

I am struggling to get my head in the game and just stare in horror at the message, hoping that somehow it changes, and the name is different somehow. Not Hunter, it can’t be him, he’s not the man responsible, surely.

“Hey, baby, what are you doing out here?”

I look up and see him looking so delicious standing before me, freshly showered and looking at me with so much love in his eyes it physically hurts.

“Oh, um, nothing, I just needed some air.”

“Are you sure about that?” He crouches down low before me and looks at me with so much concern, my lip trembles, and I try hard to keep the emotion out of my eyes.

“Hey, baby, what’s happened?”

He brushes a stray piece of hair away from my eyes, and I can’t help but feel the tears building behind them.

“I’m sorry, Hunter, it’s just, well, I really need to call Chase, is that ok?”

“Of course, is he ok, he’s not hurt, is he?”

He looks so concerned it’s like he’s taken a hammer and shattered my heart into a million pieces because why did it have to be this way, why him?

“It’s fine. He’s fine.” I desperately try to regain some control of my emotions and just smile through my pain.

“I won’t be long; I could murder a coffee.”

He winks. “Coming right up, baby, anything for you.”

I swear I hold my breath the entire time he’s looking at me and as he leaves the balcony, I take deep breaths of air in the hope it somehow gives me clarity on a situation I never expected to be in.

My hands shake as I hold my phone and stare at the display as if it’s all one big horrible mistake. As I swipe up and see the damning words taunting me, I feel so cold, frozen inside, as I type out my next text.


I need your help with a removal. 11.11 pm Can you help?

Love Lexi x

Once again, the tears blur my vision as I press ‘send’ and I would hurl myself off this building if I thought it would make this situation go away.

But I keep on reminding myself I have a job to do. I am here for a very important reason, and it’s not in my nature to let anyone down. If that’s at my own personal cost, I will have to deal with that later but for now, I need to remember my training and cope as best as I can. What happens after will take some adjusting to but I’m experienced enough to know that in this case, I have no choice.

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