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“In your opinion.”

“Yes, in my opinion.” She sighs and moves across to the window where her two sons stood before. It’s a calming view that centers our world and she sighs as she whispers, “I miss him.”

“We all do.”

Her voice is soft but firm as she gets straight to the point.

“It won’t be easy for any of you.”

“Don’t you think I know that already?”

She raises her eyes at my impatient tone and says icily, “Don’t think I haven’t been there before, Maxim, because I’ve lived this life longer than you. Do you think I wanted to marry the king? Like your bride, I had no say in the matter. I know how she is feeling right now and you would be wise to consider that. Give her time to come to terms with it all before you go charging in, making everything much worse.”

She sighs heavily and turns and I know she speaks from experience because, like me, my father unmasked her at the ball and gave her no choice. We take and we own. It’s always been this way and the women we choose have no say in the matter.

She sits where Cassie was not that long ago and sighs.

“I hope you know what you’re doing. You know…” She shakes her head sadly. “I thought you would be different, make changes and move this family, this monarchy, into the modern world.”

“What made you think that?”

I must hear her out, but it’s a conversation I’ve heard a thousand times already.

“Be better, Maxim. Do better and make your ancestors proud. It doesn’t have to be this way. You can rewrite the rules, make it easier on yourself. Fall in love and marry for that love. Not out of desire for having the shiniest new toy. The one they all want, making you feel like a man for taking it without any of the hard work that goes into falling in love.”

“Love.” I almost hiss the word. “Is that what you had, mother, with him?”

She looks down and I know I’m right because as much as she protests, she did love him, very much as it happened, which still surprises me now. Love wasn’t something that came easy to our father and both Victor and I bear the scars of that, but she is different. Elizabeth Fitzwilliam was much like Cassie in her day. The most beautiful woman in Andromeda with impeccable breeding and values that would sit well on the throne. But she was also promised to my father’s cousin, and he thought nothing of tearing them apart and making her his, causing a family rift in the process. But she loved him and grew into that love over time and many shared experiences. It will be the same for me and my bride and I’m just surprised she doesn’t see that.

“So, what now?”

“We get married.” I fix her with an impatient look and she sighs. “I heard she wanted a career in medicine. Will you allow her that at least?”

Shaking my head, I sneer. “As if that was ever an option. She has a job, the job as Andromeda’s queen, mother of my children and guardian of our birth-right. She won’t have time for a career.”

“She could have, if you relax the rules a little and give her enough freedom to want to stay.”

“Enough, Mother, the subject is closed. Cassie will be my queen and there is nothing any of you can do to change what’s happening.”

I half bow and leave the room because I am fast losing my patience. I would never disrespect her, but she tests me sometimes and the last thing I want is her putting any ideas in my new bride’s head.

Cassie will find a staunch ally in my mother, which is why I need to keep them apart as much as possible, reminding me I need to step up the renovations of my mother’s retirement mansion in the Hamptons. Yes, my mother is about to get her wish and leave Andromeda for a life spent in luxury with none of the restrictions she is used to. Conveniently disposed of by giving her every wish she ever had. Freedom to enjoy the rest of her years in anonymity, in a place that will be heavily guarded but a sanctuary none the less. Victor, however, is another problem I have yet to figure out. His fate is undecided and knowing my brother, he won’t go down without a fight.

A wicked smile breaks free as I contemplate his next move. So far, I have anticipated every one because, unlike my brother, I am always one step ahead of him. I almost hope he surprises me, but I’m doubtful because so far Victor has done just about everything I thought he would, which is why this has been so easy for me.

The guards surround me as I stride back to the ball to oversee the unmasking ceremony, secure in the knowledge my own fate has been decided. As I sweep into the room and see the anticipation on my subject’s faces, I feel so powerful I could do anything right now.

Knowing four desirable women have been removed from this circus doesn’t make me popular with the men in the room, but nobody would ever make it known how they feel because my reputation is well deserved. I am known as the bastard king and I make it my business to live up to the image.
