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The ball is over and I’m grateful for that, at least. It was a necessary evil to set my plan in place and now that’s achieved, I’m keen to move on to the next stage.

Baron, Duke and Gabriel are waiting in my private quarters and as I enter the room, I smile as they grin from the couch like idiots, surrounded by alcohol, telling me the party has started already.

“Here he is, the conquering hero. You lucky bastard.”

Baron raises his glass and I grin. “Yes, things have worked out well.”

“For you.” Gabriel groans. “Not for us poor bastards. I was expecting to find a sexy wife tonight, but it appears your new fiancée ruined that.”

“You’ll be fine. It’s not as if you’re not short of a fuck for the night. I think most of the maids in this place have become acquainted with your disease-ridden cock at some point in their day.”

Baron laughs out loud. “You’re not wrong there, although I’m pissed at you too, Maxim, I had my eye on Lauren. She looks feisty and I like that in a woman. So, what now?”

Grabbing a beer from the cooler, I rip off my jacket and relax for the first time this evening. “We plan a wedding.”

“I thought you already had.” Duke raises his can in a toast and I grin. “Oh yes, so I have. Then we just wait for it to happen.”

“And your brother, what about him? He may have other ideas.”

Gabriel refers to the elephant in the room and I sigh. My friends are more like my brothers than he ever was and having grown up together, gone to school together and now work together, we are as tight as men can get and I trust them with my life. I’m lucky to have them because they always keep me grounded and treat me no differently, which is why I can tell them anything. They are the only ones who enjoy that privilege and I would kill for them.

Part of me feels bad for denying them their moment of pleasure because I know they are also keen to marry and find their perfect wife, although you would never know by the number of notches on their bedposts because unlike the women in Andromeda, the men get to sow their wild oats in the most decadent fashion. I enjoyed many parties, both at college and then university, watching my friends move through the willing line of girls all desperate for a night in their beds. Hell, I’ve even indulged myself because that’s what was expected of us. An endless supply of willing flesh, all desperate to trap the eligible guy on campus.

If only they knew the real role I have in life.

Nobody knows that their royal family survived and live among them for their school days, anyway. We are sent off to boarding school and then college and university to educate us on our subjects and a life we oversee. To anyone else, we were just rich kids enjoying the excesses our parents paid for. Boys that became men who learned their craft well. Only to return home and fall back into an ancient life that doesn’t allow that same kind of freedom.

Now we are men and are required to step up and take charge of a life that has been drummed into us at an early age. The king and his confidantes. His advisors and friends and I wouldn’t want anyone else by my side than the men that surround me now.

“When do your guests arrive?”

Baron, as always, brings the conversation back to business and I shrug. “Tomorrow. The airfield will be busy accommodating their private jets and entourage.”

“Are they staying at the palace or the Keep House?”

“The palace for the other kings and the Keep House for their staff.”

Baron nods, and I know he is only seeking clarification for something he has planned down to the last detail.

“And your bride’s parents, have you met with her father yet?”


They look surprised and I shrug. “He’s been informed, and I’ve invited him to join us for breakfast tomorrow. He’ll arrive before my bride and I will follow the usual protocol before she joins us.”

“It’s just a formality, but imagine if he says no. I almost hope he does.”

Duke laughs and I join him because nobody ever says no to the king and William Brookes-Stanley would be a fool to refuse me his daughter’s hand. Her parents are loyal subjects of Andromeda and are probably cracking open the champagne as we speak as they contemplate the best possible future for their daughter and her sisters.

Cassie has secured their path in life inside the privileged circle of royalty. Why would he say no to that? Why would anyone and once again I think of my bride, waiting in her room for the big day when I show her what being my wife involves.

Feeling myself harden unbearably at the thought of that, I know I’ll be dealing with this myself tonight because now I’m engaged to be married, there will never be another woman in my life. I will be loyal to one woman only and expect hers in return.

We look up as the door opens and my head guard enters, looking anxious. Immediately I tense because he wouldn’t disturb me without a very good reason and as he whispers in my ear, I feel the tension increase in the room as my friends wait for instruction.

As he steps back, I nod and turn to face them. “You must continue the party without me. It appears my brother is making his next move.”

“Do you need our assistance?”

I smile because out of all of us I think Gabriel hates Victor the most and would love nothing more than to deal with him personally, but I shake my head and sigh.

“It’s fine. I’ll deal with him. We need to hold back and allow him enough rope to hang himself. Sorry guys, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

As I leave the room, I wonder what Victor has planned because one thing’s certain, it involves my bride and if I’m sure of anything, it’s that.
