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“What was?”

He looks genuinely confused and I wonder if the queen arranged it without his knowledge and say angrily, “Being stripped naked in a roomful of people and told I must put up with it. Being washed, poked and prodded and dressed like a toy doll isn’t really my kind of thing and when I made that clear, I was told to never show emotion because that is the only thing that will get me through life here. Well, once was enough because if this is what being a queen involves, I think I’ll pass.”

The anger in Maxim’s eyes makes me doubt my sanity right now by voicing my opinion so forcefully and then he hisses angrily, “I never ordered that. I want you to be comfortable here, Cassie. This is your home and you should feel relaxed.”

“Then who did, your mother?”

Now I’m ultra-confused and he hisses, “Victor.”

“What… no… why…?”

“Because this is all a mind game to him. To mess with your head and cause you to hate me. To make your life unbearable so you turn to him for help. I’m guessing he’s waiting for the first opportunity to offer a friendly ear to listen to your anger. To provide you with a way out of something only he can provide. I warned you about him and this is why. He is trouble, Cassie, and can get to you in ways you won’t see coming.”

“But why would he? This doesn’t make sense and why would they listen to him, anyway?”

“Because Victor probably made it seem as if the order came from me. He’s good at that and reminds me he’s a problem I need to deal with before things get a whole lot worse.”

He sighs and then a small smile ghosts his lips as he shakes his head. “You make a beautiful queen, Cassie, but it’s not the part I like most about you. I want the passion, the fire and the woman who takes no shit. I want a strong woman by my side who isn’t afraid to challenge me and it’s your emotion that makes you beautiful in the most devastating way.”

Reaching up, he touches his cheek and laughs at the horror in my eyes.

“I deserved that.”

“I’m sorry.”

I feel so bad and he grins. “Don’t be. It’s what I wanted. To provoke a reaction and break this emotionless act you’ve got going on. I needed to break it and it was worth the slap just to bring you back to me.”

This man is doing strange things to me inside because he surprises me the more time I spend with him. He is human after all and despite his title seems like a decent guy and the fact he’s so desirable, and I want him more than air right now, is the most powerful aphrodisiac.

He reaches out, taking my hand and pulls me up with a smile. “Go and spend time with your parents. They are excited for you. I’ll increase your security and try to give you some space. Today is all about you and the preparations for the wedding. I have business to attend to and will be absent for most of the day. Just relax and try to come to terms with this and know you have my full support if you want to change things around here. This is your home now and as my queen, you get to call the shots. Be strong, Cassie, be amazing, be the woman I fell in love with.”

I am stunned into silence. Love. The one word I never thought entered this arrangement at all.

His eyes soften as I stare at him in shock and this time, as his lips touch mine, he says softly, “Yes, Cassie, I do love you and I always have. Maybe in time you will love me back, but I can wait for that as long as you’re by my side.”

As our lips connect, it lights a trail deep inside me that causes a massive explosion of lust to flood my body. He loves me. I never expected that, and it knocks me senseless as the game changes.

Who is this man? Powerful, dominant and slightly scary one minute and then at the flick of a switch turns into a sensual, caring, passionate man who I desire more than anything. A protector, a man who takes no shit and I feel safe with, but how - why? I should hate him for what he’s done, but I can’t. My soul is shaking her fist at me and telling me to open my eyes because destiny hits in her own surprising way sometimes and she is screaming that he is mine.

As we kiss, it feels right. Like a connection of souls that makes me hopeful for the future. But how can I ever be ok with the way he brought me here? Blackmail, deceit and no regard for what I want.

How can I ever love a man like that?
