Page 102 of Cocky Caveman

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“He has that effect on women,” she laughs at Teagan, taking her behavior in good spirits. “This is why his merchandise site sells so well. The ladies like his ass.” She pats said butt, and Chance leans down without caring about having an audience to kiss his wife.

“Okay, you two, break it up.” I tap Chance on the shoulder after they have been going at it for long enough. “Teagan, you don’t want to get them started. The romance is strong. Alice wants a tour of the animals, so we had better get moving.”

“CJ,” I coo at the only member of the Bateman family who is behaving himself dressed brightly in an elf hat and a warm elf suit onesie. The air is still cold at this time of the morning. I give him a peck on the cheek, which makes him giggle. I love his giggles.

CJ points to Bronwyn Bear, then makes grabby-grabby hands. The kid knows what he wants. I hand over the bear to CJ to cuddle.

“CJ, Bronwyn Bear is Alice’s teddy bear, but she is letting me look after her for a little while, and then I’ll give Bronwyn Bear back to Alice because she has a friend called Barry Bear, and he will miss Bronwyn if she is gone too long.” I don’t want any tears when he can’t keep the bear, although he’s too young to grasp that whole speech.

I’ll swap Bronwyn out for a plush fainting goat from my merchandise stock to keep the little guy happy. I was going to do it anyway, but I’ve managed to be not as present in the company of my family as I thought I would be since they arrived Friday, which is terrible of me—even though they practically pushed me into Tucker’s arms.

“Ophelia.” Aubrey pulls me into a tight hug. “Your man is eyeing your ass up. Bend over a little,” she whispers in my ear. “He’s very handsome. On Sunday when he made the spontaneous ride over when you were out getting supplies, he was biker hot, and today—”

“He’s not my man,” I whisper back.

“Oh, he so is your man.” She squeezes my arse, forcing a giggle to erupt from me as I try to escape her clutches. Yup, she is in one of those playful moods.

“Not cool, Aubrey.” I smack her on the arse, still hugging her.

“Ladies, is there something you two aren’t telling me?” Chance is leaning forward with CJ in his arms, talking against Aubrey’s side of our embrace.

Then Tucker’s mouth is beside my cheek. “Should I be feeling worried myarse(he says with his best Aussie accent) isn’t getting this kind of action?” he murmurs sexily. “I could be up for a spanking.”

My face flames.

He did not just say that in front of everyone.

Chance high-fives his wife.

Lawd, what now?

“Princess, I won that fair and square.”

“Yep. The fifty is all yours. I didn’t see that one coming.” Aubrey sounds impressed by her husband’s win.

No. I don’t want to know.

Chance moves to clap Tucker on the shoulder. “Mate, you are making me rich. Keep up the good work. I knew I was going to like you.”

They grin stupidly at each other, even though one of them doesn’t know the punchline.


Time is a-ticking.

“Alice, let’s go take a look at the animals, shall we?”

“Yes, please.”

While I keep her busy showing her around the animal corral, I’ll give Aubrey a little job to gather some merchandise I have in stock for Alice to take home or to Alaska. It is the least I can do for Alice’s kindness, allowing me to look after Bronwyn Bear. Next to CJ, she is the most adorable person I have ever met.

We start walking as a group toward the back of my home when I hear a car approaching along my driveway with music blaring.

“Sounds like I have a visitor. It’s probably somebody lost and looking for directions. If you all go on ahead, I’ll see who this is. Alice, I won’t take long. My cousin can lead the animal tour for you and Teagan, and I’ll join you shortly,” I explain directly to her. “The ‘Fainting Goat Ranch’ business sign out by the main road would have attracted whoever this is for directions.

“Okay,” she says brightly.

I quietly let Aubrey know to pack a gift bag for Alice, then I turn and start walking back to the driveway.

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