Page 129 of Cocky Caveman

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Today Gwendoline will keep Ophelia extra busy until reinforcements arrive in the form of Shamus, Alice, and Teagan, even though Ophelia and Gwendoline already have their own plans underway (information I am privy to). The MacDougalls will naturally invite themselves over well in advance to enjoy their first Australian barbecue.

I take another sip of the steaming coffee.

If anybody can put a smile on Ophelia’s face on a day filled with so many emotions, it is my sister, Alice.

And no doubt, Angus will do his best to act the class clown.




I am sitting on the side of the pool, watching my girl streaking through the water like a dolphin, my smile victorious. Looks like somebody is going to be on dishwasher packing duty. The competition has been over for a few minutes. Ophelia just doesn’t realize it yet.

My bestie is undoubtedly visiting Tuckerland, and she’s lost count of her laps.

“Heellooo, bikini sheila.”

Crap on a cracker!My body jolts, startled out of my thoughts. I look around. Where did that unmistakable Scottish voice come from?

“Look up,mate.I’m over the fence.” Oh, my God, there he goes again, using a weird Aussie accent and Aussie slang. I look up and wave to the grinning court jester. “I see our invite to yer pre-barbie pool party got lost in the mail. I’ve got a nice lime-green mankini tucked away from a prank I played on my brothers a few years ago. I can pull it out and join ye sheilas.”

“Angus, you are such a clown.” I shake my head but can’t help the silly smile that breaks out over my face. Not smiling is not an option; the man’s humor is contagious, and he rocks a man bun.

“Permission to come aboard the SS Homestead, although we are a little early.”

“Come around back and through the house. We can all watch Ophelia power her way through the laps until it clicks that I’ve already won.” I make a hand gesture around my head. “I think she has Tucker on the brain.”

“Fancy that because Tucker has Ophelia on his mind, speaking of which we come bearing gifts. I hope ye don’t mind another mouth to feed, but we have one for ye?” His head disappears before I can tell him, “No worries.”

I move to where Ophelia is still gunning it through the water and gently double-tap her on the head.

Her body jerks up, and she looks around, gripping the tiled edge at me crouching in front of her. “Really?Did I lose?” I make the universal sign for ‘loser’ with my thumb and pointer finger and place it against my forehead. “Dammit!” She slaps the water in frustration. “That’s twice in a row.”

“It’s not my fault you’re too busy crushing on Tucker.”

“What?!” she sputters with indignation. Defensive. Much?

“Oh,giirrl,you lost countagain.I see the way you rub your heart absentmindedly as you gaze off into Tuckerland while remembering in filthy detail your office romp.”

“What?There was no office romping. You are still digging for information.” I can tell she is telling a white lie. She romped and good on her.

“Anywho… it’s never healthy to lie to oneself.” I hold my hand up to silence her before she tells another porky pie. “I reached the finish line about six laps ago. Time to get dry because we have incoming company in approximately ten seconds. The Mighty MacDougalls have arrived early.” Snatching my cell phone up from the pool chair, I see it is a quarter past two, and the barbecue starts at half past three.

“Hello, my beautiful ladies.” Paisley walks through the sliding door, her striking red hair braided down the back, looking stunning in beige ankle boots and a bohemian white dress with a denim jacket. We both adore this vibrant woman. She is such a ray of sunshine and a sweetheart. She is our tribe.

Paisley hugs me and waves to Ophelia, still in the pool. I don’t blame her; it is warmer in there.

Next through the open door, Angus appears, followed by Wiley, who waves at me and then locks onto his wife’s beautiful face like he can’t get enough of her.

We aren’t expecting any more MacDougall sons because the twins and Fraser are in college, but then Shamus walks through the door carrying a whopping bouquet of the happiest flowers, wearing—you guessed it—a kilt.

Wait. What?

I try my best to give myself whiplash as my head whips back and forth, doing a double take.

He’s supposed to still be in Alaska. Angus explained his brother was staying on longer than first thought. But here he is.
