Page 133 of Cocky Caveman

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I’m starting to feel concerned with Shamus’s cryptic response, but I soldier on, trying not to fear the worst. “I’m so excited to see you all again. We have a lot of catching up to do. I have so much to ask you.”

“Tucker isn’t here. He’s been gone since Christmas Day,” Alice says sadly. “I miss him. I don’t know where he is. He had to leave.”

“Oh…umm…” I don’t know what to say as I try not to wince from the sharp, painful stab to my soul. He’s been gone since Christmas Day.

“We will talk later about why we are back early, but Shamus knows more than I do; he will explain what he can to you privately.” Teagan rubs my back, trying to soothe my worries I must not be hiding well.

“Is he at least, okay?” My heart stutters, and I start to shiver, and not because of the cooler air.

“Here…” Jensen takes the robe Gwen offers to him to pass onto me.

I drop the towel, but my fingers are fumbling about as I try to get my arm into one of the sleeves.

“I’ve got you, Aussie.” Jensen’s deft hands assist me into the soft warmth in seconds, wrapping me in my robe, his hands lingering a little longer than friend zone status.

“Thank you,” I murmur, my face flaming because I can see the looks of confusion on the Mighty MacDougall faces, including Paisley’s and Teagan’s. But I can also feel the waves of confusion surfing off Jensen’s body.

I step away from Jensen and reach out, taking the sisters’ hands in mine, preparing to hear the worst, and slowly ask, “Is. Your brother. Hurt?” The girls look to Shamus.

“No,” Shamus says firmly. I believe him.

Did he meet an Inuit girl and elope?

Did I imagine the connection Tucker and I had lit fire to in such a short time?

Gwen steps in, waving her hand in front of my face. “Ophelia, let’s take this little reunion inside, and I will find some vases and put the sunflowers into some water, and we can get dressed. The MacDougalls and Jensen can attend to the animals and get a fire going in the firepit. I’ve got the boom box Aussie playlist ready to go, and by then, the ranch guests should be showing up. Paisley will ensure everything that needs to get done for the animals will because she’s awesome like that. Sound like a good plan?”

“How ‘bout”—I grip Shamus’s elbow—“I have a quick word to the kilted-one.” My pleading eyes send her the message that I can’t relax until I know what is happening.

“Sounds like an even better plan.” My bestie hooks an elbow with Jensen and swings them around, looking back over her shoulder. “Angus and Wiley, fall into line, and let’s get these jobs done.”

Wiley gives his wife a kiss and whispers in her ear. Paisley nods, smiling adoringly at her husband.

Those two.I sigh. Wiley treats her like his queen.

“Ophelia, our brother will be coming back for you. Never a doubt,” Teagan says to me softly, drawing my attention away from the lovebirds.

“Awww… Ophelia loves my brother.” I can’t believe Alice just said that out loud.

I try to mellow my angst by waving my hand casually. “Oh, I just want to make sure Tucker is alive and well.”Liar.“We’ve only known each other for a short time.”This is why I gave myself rules in the first place.No men. No distractions. No hurt.No loss.I try again. “Your brother owes me noth—”

“You keep telling yourself that load of pish-posh, lady. So, who is Jensen? Do I need to throw myself at the handsome man and divert his attention away from your gorgeous body? I’m willing to go Katniss Everdeen on him and volunteer to be a tribute.” Teagan is half-joking because I can see she is confused.

Oh, boy.

“Can I call Tucker, Shamus?” Alice pleads.

“No, Alice,” Shamus tells her gently. “Remember when I said he is helping someone, and he has to keep contact outside the job to a minimum?”

Alice nods. “But he speaks to you.” Alice tries again.

“We use a code and a special phone called a burner phone. We rarely communicate, and when we do, it is brief. Tucker checks on you and the family and Ophelia.” My heart does a Riverdance. “Now let yer sister take ye inside, and I’ll be having that word with Ophelia to clear up the confusion she is feeling with all this talk.” Shamus leans in and gives Alice a reassuring hug, and then it is just the two of us.


“Would ye get dressed first?”

I cross my arms, huddling inside my robe. The cool air and my wet hair aren’t a great combination, but I am anxious. “No. Spill what you can.” I feel tense enough knowing Tucker felt strong enough to leave his family to help someone. Is she a woman? An ex-lover?An Inuit?
