Page 173 of Cocky Caveman

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“Husband, I think we may need a pitcher of margarita.”

“Anything for you, my Bella.”

They are so in love.

And now I am thinking of Tucker.




I am leaving Tucker’s parents’ tiny house when I hear somebody making the Mission Impossible movie song sounds, more like Kronk from The Emperor’s New Groove.

I only need one guess who it is.

Angus is peering in the window of one of the tiny houses before moving onto another window.

What the hell is he doing?

I sneak up on him, watching him slide up to another house and peer in the window, making the theme song come alive with his voice.

“Why the hell are ye acting like a creeper?”

Angus swings around, hand on his chest, slamming his back against the exterior of the tiny house. “Sssh…Geez, give a guy warning you are lurking. I am trying to find Alice and Matthew. They could be doing… ye know… stuff that Tucker would disapprove of.”

“Ye mean, ye are getting overprotective of our Alice, and ye don’t want to think of her as anything but our Sweet Alice, so ye are sticking yer nose in where it isn’t needed.”

“Nooo. I am doing this for Teagan,” my older brother says defensively.

“Nooo.It is exactly what I am accusing ye of.” I should put him out of his misery, but I let him go on a bit longer. Call it brotherly payback for more times than I can count.

“Well, if it is, then why are ye so calm about this anyway? It is ALICE and an older man in a tiny house by themselves!” he whisper-hisses at me while scowling and throwing his hands about in the air like it adds weight to his statement.

“I heard ye, and yes, she’s like a sister to us, but she’s also a grown woman and not our business to intervene.”

“Had this conversation already, brother. If we had a sister, we certainly wouldn’t let her alone in a tiny house with a guy we have only just met. Now, would we?”

“No, we wouldn’t, but—”

“I am glad we are on the same page, so help me look.” He punches my bicep. “That’s for creeping up on me.” Then he moves onto the next tiny house, continuing the theme sounds from the Mission Impossible movies.

I shake my head at the fool before chuckling. I really should tell him.

He storms over to me. “What is so effing funny?” My brother is getting all up in my face.

“I am glad ye ask, brother. Come with me.” He follows me over to the last tiny house and watches me knock on the door.

“Well, I gather this is the one. There aren’t any more for me to peer in. Good idea knocking on the door, although maybe I should peer in a window to—”

The door swings open, and Mr. Royal is smiling at us. “Ah, Shamus, back so soon, did you forget something?”

“Is everything okay?” Mrs. Royal calls out.

Jeff Royal looks over his shoulder. “Sure is, love, be there in a moment.” He turns back to us. “Hello, Angus.” He sticks his hand out for my brother to shake, who is standing with his mouth open. “A long time between drinks.”

“Wow… ye are here. In Temecula, while Tucker is away.”
