Page 19 of Cocky Caveman

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“I suspect it is. Keanu warned me to look out for the little guy.” Doc Sullivan pats the small animal on the head.

“Should he be on her shoulder?”

“No harm. If anything, Moses is a comfort,” the doc replies while resuming writing his notes.

Moses starts rubbing his face against Hamlet’s cheek, getting gooey eyes like cats do while enjoying themselves. His purr is loud and proud.

“I think he likes me.” Hamlet focuses on my new T-shirt.

Keanu calls out loudly as he enters the apartment, “Honey. I’ve brought you a freshly made picnic for one from the kitchen.” He places the paper bag on the kitchen counter before noticing Moses. “Awww, he’s making new friends already.” Moses meows at Keanu. “Okay, I’ll make sure you get poached chicken for dinner.”

We all stare at Keanu.

“What? Moses and I go way back. I speak Moses.”

Keanu sees I’m wearing the T-shirt. “I told Levi you don’t have to have lost a limb to look good wearing it..” Then he clicks his fingers. “Damn! I forgot to bring your things up. I’ll be back in in a jiffy, mate,” he says in a bad Aussie accent.

“Thank you,mate.” And there’s that smile reserved for Keanu, again. “Your Aussie accent is improving.”

Keanu grins. “I’m a quick study, Poppet.” Then he walks out of the room.

“Keanu tells me you two haven’t known each other very long.” I am making small talk.

“Yup. Only met Keanu and Levi when I walked up to the counter today.” Same as what Keanu told me. “Why are you asking?”

“You have a good rapport.”What the hell am I saying?

Jealousy is not a good color for me, but I want some Hamlet rapport.

Shamus and I were initially going back to our hotel to relax for a few hours but now? I have a few spare hours before we start getting ready for the charity gig we are playing at tonight. We’re hoping to help raise a lot of money for our philanthropist friend’s foundation for homeless people, but I need more time to work on myrapportwith Hamlet.

She answers my questions without sounding confused, so I know she will be all right without me around. The doc knows what he is doing—not that I am second-guessing the doctor, but I’m not ready to let Hamlet out of my sight. But I am running out of reasons to spend more time with the sexy pocket rocket. I can’t delay Hamlet if the doc says she is good to go.

I stand watching the doctor finish up with his patient and start packing his medical supplies away. He turns his kind eyes on me. “Keanu tells me you are driving this young lady home?”

I don’t even hesitate with my answer. “Yes!” I blurt out. “Yes. I. Am.” I owe Keanu a favor.

Hamlet’s mouth drops open, and Shamus clears his throat, which I think is more he’s holding back a laugh.

When opportunity knocks, swing that door wide open before it can slam shut in your face.




What the helljust happened?

“No. No. No!” I repeat firmly, trying not to get growly in front of the doctor. I take a deep breath to center myself. “I am by myself today and responsible for myself.”

“Hamlet, my medical opin—”

“She nearly fainted before you arrived.” Tucker effectively cuts the doctor off in his efforts to seal my fate, giving me a smug look that screams, “I win.”

I narrow my eyes, well, one eye.Oh, he wants to play dirty.

Dr. Sullivan gives me his stern professional face. “You disappoint me, young lady. You failed to mention this when I pointedly asked you if you have felt dizzy or faint.”Dammit.I get reduced to feeling like I should be sitting in the naughty corner.Way to go, Tucker!“You should be resting,” the doc reprimands me. “I do not advise you to drive anywhere today, even if you don’t have far to drive.”
