Page 190 of Cocky Caveman

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“Currently in the restroom over there, finishing up with the placement of cameras and listening devices. The afternoon matinee is about to start. It’s sure to be NSFW. And if you don’t know what that me—”

“Oh, please, old man. Not safe for work. Note to self: I should have brought popcorn. Do you have a spare earpiece so that I can listen in better?”

“I do.” I find a pair and set Tucker up, muting his microphone. “Here.” I nudge Tucker and watch him put them in place.

Tucker raises my binoculars, bringing them to his eyes.

“I’m all set, boss”—Ophelia’s voice gets lower—“and I don’t expect anything but smooth sailing.” The restroom door opens, Ophelia reappears. She gives a subtle nod, aware of where I parked before walking back toward the café—well, waddles back toward Diamond’s with a perfectly practiced gait.

Tucker whistles low.

I glance over at my passenger, who has his mouth wide open. “I think you just drooled on your pants.”

“What?” he mutters, distracted by my lovely co-worker.

Only once Ophelia is out of sight does he lower the binoculars.

“Jesus put your tongue back in your mouth. Ophelia isn’t looking for love in all the wrong places, so you better be the real deal, or I’ll kick your ass from the west coast to the east.”

Tucker’s hand moves up over his heart, rubbing it slowly. When he catches me staring, he says, “You cut me deep, old man. I have a lot of right places on me.” Then he grins.

So cocky. “It’s time to let me do my work.” I sit up straighter, tapping away on the keyboard, and wait for my cue from Ophelia.

Silence settles in the cabin as we wait for further information. Ophelia’s got her glasses filming now. The bug she has underneath the table is recording. We have everything covered. 4B will reveal its torrid secrets, and then afterward, the girls will hopefully talk, and we will have that evidence to add.

Mario is going down, and Mrs. Diamond will have what she needs to save her daughter from a sham of a relationship. Because once a dick—always a dick. And the Diamond legacy her husband left for his family will be safe.

It will be a hard lesson for Celeste to learn that not all guys are faithful and trustworthy because they put a ring on your finger; sometimes, it’s all about the money tree at the end of the rainbow.

“AD in flight,” Ophelia whispers in a sweet Southern accent.

Tucker raises an eyebrow at me. “AD?” he frowns, placing the binoculars in his lap.

“Afternoon delight.”

“Ahh… somebody is doing the dirty on the missus then.”

“Bingo. If you are going to sit there, you might as well make yourself useful.” I attach the right lens and hand him the camera. “Take some happy snaps for the client, please.”

I unmute my microphone while Tucker snaps off shots like a pro as AD walks toward door 4B and then disappears behind it.

We don’t have to wait long before we hear Ophelia whisper, “Skyrocket in flight.”

“Roger that, kiddo,” I say softly, then mute the microphone. “Keep up the happy snaps. Here comes Mr. Infidelity.”

Tucker gets a great shot of AD opening 4B’s door as Mario looks left and right, checking nobody is about, and then AD tugs him inside behind the closed door.

I keep my focus on the laptop’s screen.

Mario isn’t pressuring AD in any way, and he’s not getting rough with the girl. It is a mutually consenting act with AD taking the lead with a blow job up first on the menu.

I avert my eyes, it’s not something I want to witness, and Tucker does the same until the deed gets done.

I couldn’t blow our cover, but if there was any messed-up shit going on inside 4B, I had told Mrs. Diamond I wouldn’t stand by watching it happen if I felt there was a danger to the girl’s life.

Sadly, the girls were still far too young to be living this life. They should be in college enjoying being young, pretty, and getting an education, but many kids have a tough upbringing and find themselves on the streets. It can be a dog-eat-dog world.

Oh, joy. Now they are moving onto the banging part of the liaison.
