Page 211 of Cocky Caveman

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The reply in unison cheerily, “Great!”

“I hear you are working on a writing project,” Tempest says while looking as though she is distracted by someone over the top of the phone.

“I am. It is early stages, but I am enjoying the process. I hope to write half the series before I make my debut, so it could be a while yet, which I am fine with.”

“Nothing wrong with having yourself set up for quick releases. Smart thinking.”

“Ah… thanks.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Okay.” The conversation is getting stilted, but I am unsure where this is going. I add on, “I only answered Tucker’s phone because he told me to while he was in the bathroom.”Ophelia, too much information.I want to smack my hand against my forehead. “Um, I am sorry about my appearance, we… I mean, I just woke up, and Tucker, who is sleeping in another bed, asked me to—”

“Oh, darling, we co-write raunchy paranormal romances, so you don’t need to explain—”

“What my wife is trying to say is, just let Tucker know that we called, and if he could in a few hours give us a call, we would appreciate it, and we apologize for the awkward intrusion and hope you aren’t too confused by us interrupting your day.” Brooks saves the day by cutting the call short.

But I am confused.

“Hi, Ophelia.” Alice waves, coming into view, standing behind Tempest and Brooks, who—now that I am paying more attention to the surroundings—are sitting in the firepit area of the Fainting Goat Ranch.

I wave back because what is a girl to do? “Alice, honey, whatcha doing today? Is Gwen around? Are you okay?” I am beginning to wonder if Alice is safe.

“Mom and Dad wanted to find out when Tucker was coming back to Temecula. He wasn’t answering his phone, and Angus said he was probably kissing you.”

Mom and Dad?

My face is on fire.

Tempest and Brooks?

“Hi Ophelia,” Angus comes into view, throwing an arm around Alice’s shoulder, leaning into her. He reaches out and takes the phone from her. “Ye just let the cat out of the bag,” he says through his teeth while still grinning like I can’t see or hear what he is saying.

“Angus, what’s going on?”

“Looking good this afternoon, Ophelia. Did ye have a relaxingsleeplast night?” He’s grinning like a fool, knowing he is ignoring my question.

“Mr. and Mrs. Royal?” I croak out, horrified they know I have been sleeping with their son. “AreTempest and BrooksTucker’s parents?”

“You can call us Judy and Jeff,” his mom says loudly close by but off-screen.

“Where’s Tucker?” Angus winks, rubbing it in.

“Uh… shower?” I can’t hear any water running, but it was better than saying “using the toilet.” Then a thought occurs to me. “You aren’t all waiting for us to arrive, are you?”

Judy moves in next to Angus. “Nooo.” She brushes my comment away with her hand. “We were just…um…” She pauses, looking over to her right.

“Don’t look at me, honey. You were the one who insisted this was a good idea. Sometimes you think too much like what our fictional characters would do and not what the real world would—”

“Yup, that sounds about right, Mr. and Mrs. R,” Angus cuts Jeff off. “Excuse me, everyone. I would like a private word with Ophelia.”

“Thank goodness, Angus. What is happening?”

“Thought I had better save all three of ye. It was getting awkies. You really should have clothes on when ye answer a video call. Ye never know who is FaceTiming you.”

Oh, brother.

“Really,Angus? Is this the advice you are selling?”
