Page 218 of Cocky Caveman

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Wait! What?

“No way,” I shout and then spin around in the pool, “you’re here!”

My best friend hurls herself at me, crushing me against her chest, squeezing me tight.

I am crying into her bikini-clad boobs.

“For how long?” I blubber.

“Forever,” she cries against my wet hair, bouncing us up and down on the spot.

Stunned, I pull my face away from her boobies. “Forever?” I can’t commit fully to believing she is here to stay forever until I hear more.

“Yeah…” she pauses to sniffle. “Your husband helped us find a home, and we are starting a new chapter in our lives for good here.”

“You are livingherein Temecula, forever?” I am still protecting my heart from committing to believing this is happening.

“Yes, honey. I will see you and the children anytime you want me over. By the way, Nevaeh isbeautiful.I met her briefly while you swam some of your laps, and Rory showed me his dinosaurs and hugged me. I am looking forward to getting to know your little ones and spoiling them. But I promise not to cramp Tucker’s life with my presence.”

“And your dads?” I say excitedly, my voice squeaking because this is a dream come true.

“Caleb will be opening a veterinary clinic here in Temecula, and Jonah has decided to retire, and his magic number was when he turned sixty-seven, and Caleb would follow his husband to the moon if he asked. My dads wanted me to be as happy as they are because everything else falls into place when you find true love. I have felt so sad getting separated from you, but I needed my dads, too, and now I have the best of both worlds. Tucker knew you were quietly missing me, so he had some conversations with my dads over the past two years, and then we all made it happen by submitting paperwork and selling our home, and Caleb sold his veterinary clinic, and here we are. And now, Jonah can hopefully reconnect with his brothers here in California.”

I remember her telling me that his God-fearing family shunned him when he came out as gay. Jonah is the only adopted son out of four boys. His adoptive parents have since passed.

“This is so awesome! You can watch the children grow”—I lower my voice—“and you are close to Shamus.”

She pinches my nose. “Behave. The kilted-one had plenty of time to show me more could be between us, and he didn’t. I am here for you and your family. He is just decoration floating around.”

“But he stole your wildflowers that you erm stole and had them dried and preserved in an epoxy prism, so you always had your wildflowers. That was a telling thing he did for you.”

“Ssh… we are not talking about Mr. McKilt, even if my heart did backward flips when it recognized the growly and handsome AF highlander was sitting in Alice and Matty’s home. He held Rory on his lap, sending me all kinds of daddy vibes. And yes, I have kept that wildflower prism sacred while simultaneously it taunted me with the memories of the day karma gave me a swift kick up the arse. And oh, how I have missed seeing him dressed in his kilts, but I am here for you. I don’t want to know if he has been dating or out with any women because I am just his friend. I am friend-zoned, and life will go on.”

I hug her again. “You are the birthday present that my husband told me he was out shopping for today.”

“I know.I am the best presentever.We are staying here tonight in two of the tiny houses, just in case you wondered. Gotta love excellent timing with no bookings. Crazy,right?”

I move us so I can see her dads. “Thank you,” I call out and start tearing up again because I am so happy while more of my friends are walking through the pool gate waving.

“Och, too much crying.” Angus takes a running leap, bending his knee up to his chest, landing with a big splash beside us, making us squeal like girls, and then Shamus joins in. Boys will be boys.

Alice and Matty, dressed in their swim togs, are holding one of Rory’s hands, walking him in his board shorts to the ankle-deep kiddy wet area where water sprays from above.

It feels like a pool party when the music gets turned up, and Jonah and Caleb dive into the pool. No doubt we will follow it up with a barbie. I am sure more friends will turn up to celebrate Gwen and her dads’ new zip code.

My husband arrives, holding Nevaeh in his arm, looking hot, carrying a baby bag while giving me a cocky wink before lying down on one of the outdoor sun lounges with the umbrella covering them.

“You have permission to sneak off for a few minutes under the guise of getting yourself dressed for a “welcome home Gwen” party, which I just made up, but it sounds good, and you thank your sexy husband, and I will gladly hold Nevaeh and watch Rory.” Gwen gives me a gentle nudge.

I wade over to the steps, taking them slowly out of our newly renovated pool, letting my husband know how much he has pleased me with the look I am giving him.

His eyes sweep up and down my new red bikini as I approach him, his eyes smoldering. “Wife, you are a tease.”

I lie down, wrapping myself around my husband and Nevaeh. “Only for you.” I kiss his cheek and my daughter’s. “I love you so much. Thank you for helping to get my friend back to me.”

“You are my queen,” he says before repositioning himself with Nevaeh protected between us. Then he kisses me until I need oxygen while little heavenly hands pat our faces.

Tucker nuzzles my neck. “Babe, it’s all about hills and mountains. They get moved or climbed for the ones you love.”

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