Page 51 of Cocky Caveman

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“Shit, Hamlet!” Tucker’s arms circle my waist, drawing my back up against his chest and then turns my body into his. “Do you want me to see if Andrew can turn the balloon around?” he murmurs against my hair, “I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.”

I hate to admit Tucker’s strength is comforting, but it is.

“Nope… I’ll be fine in a minute.” My eyes close while I concentrate on an inner monologue, pep talk, and some deep breathing exercises to calm my farm down.

Tucker gives me a moment before offering to get Pilot Andrew to bring us down.

“I’ll be fine. I refuse to carry on like a pork chop. I need to stop thinking about a basket attached to a big-blown-up balloon and hot air being the only things keeping us from hitting the ground. Then I’ll work out how to relax and enjoy this ride.” I’m used to being in control of dangerous situations, but this is a situation I am not controlling.

Not. One. Bit.

“Hamlet, did you say, ‘carry on like a pork chop’?”

I raise my head. “You know… a pork chop makes a spluttering noise when it sizzles in a pan, so…” I wave my hand in front of me like the rest is self-explanatory.

“You Aussies are a little crazy with your slang. Do you know that?” His light mood helps to lessen my anxiety of plummeting to our deaths. Or is it his comfort?

Tucker wiggles the fingers on his right hand in front of my face. “Do you like the color?”

“I hadn’t noticed until now.”

Liar.“Sure, you did. I saw you digging my nail polish earlier.”

“Then why ask?”

“Because I am keeping you talking to make sure you are doing okay. Thank you for your generous donation to the Center for Hope.”

“What? I um—”

“Before you deny it, sure you did. Keanu told me you got the details from him when he called me to let me know he had a gift ready for you. He figured that I would be seeing you sooner than he would be.”

“The T-shirt?”

“I assume so. Keanu wrapped it up.”

“That’s very kind of him. Do you have it with you?”

“Aah… well, that comes when we land, and you sayyesto another request I have.”

“Bribery is not cool.”

“That’s a little harsh. Did you Google the event and see the write-up? I had my Tuxedo on and added the black nail polish for a little rock grunge. The event went well, and we hit the target for the night.”

I refuse to think about how handsome he would look in a tuxedo. It’s better that I don’t see proof. “That’s awesome. But I have not read anything about the event. Um… you can let me go now. I’m good, thank you.” I turn my body away from his, but he still has hands loosely on my waist. He’s letting me know he’s there for me, and it does help, but I shouldn’t be giving Tucker the wrong idea.

Our pilot has been quiet for a few minutes; only the burners’ noise gets heard as they breathe flames at the pilot’s request.

I glance over at Pilot Andrew.

“Are you doing okay, darlin’?” His kind face and confidence put me more at ease.

“I will be. Just some initial ‘what ifs’ were bouncing about in my head, making me unsure if this is a good idea.”

“Completely understandable, but you are in good hands.” I am not sure if he is referring to himself or Tucker. “Are you both the owners of the Fainting Goat Ranch?” He points to our ballcaps. “I know it hasn’t officially opened its doors.”

Tucker chuckles behind me. I ignore him.

“Ooh,we”—I wave my hand between us—“are not together. This isnota date, and we are not athing.Webarelyclassify as friends. I am the owner of the soon-to-be open-for-business Fainting Goat Ranch.”
