Page 62 of Cocky Caveman

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After a while, the sunshine proves too warm for Tucker’s jacket, so I stand to relieve myself of the unnecessary layer, but he doesn’t hesitate to get to his feet and assist me out of it.

The man has manners.

A huge smile spreads across Teagan’s face as she watches her twin place the jacket on the back of my chair while Santiago nods in approval when Tucker helps to slide my chair in as I sit back down.

Teagan and Tucker have a twin thing going on where they finish each other’s sentences when reminiscing about childhood pranks, which has me laughing at the antics they rock effortlessly. Teagan is older by a few minutes, and she likes to remind Tucker he is the baby in the family.

I watch the hero worship on Alice’s face for her younger brother, which makes me feel all mushy. There is no mistaking who protects the ladies inside and outside this house.

The three siblings are a close and loving unit. I can only imagine how wonderful their parents are having raised these three.

The man sitting next to me is a good guy who is so much more than the cocky façade he showed me at Peace Café.

I’m constantly aware of him, stealing more glances than I care to admit. He likes to stroke his beard slowly when he’s listening intently, and I enjoy the way the creases around his eyes smile with him when he laughs. And don’t start me on his scent. It makes me want to cross my legs and squirm in my chair when the breeze blows his soap, leather, and cologne for me to inhale. I’ve had to stop myself openly sniffing the air like a dog in heat on more than one occasion.

Tucker likes to run his fingers through his golden strands setting the hairs back in place when they threaten to flop over his eyes when the soft breeze catches them, which often happens due to his hairstyle, longer on one side, shaved closer on the other. I caught myself more than once, wondering if his hair was as soft as it looked.

His thigh finds ways to graze mine, lingering at times when his body shifts in his chair, his arm casually resting along the back of my chair. I have felt his fingers playing gently with my ponytail, but I told myself it was the breeze because that explanation doesn’t mess with my rule book.

When I excuse myself to use the bathroom, Tucker is on his feet, pulling my chair out for me. When I walk back through the sliding door toward the table, our eyes find each other—a soft smile forming on his face. I force myself to look away because it feels too familiar or intimate.

I would go as far as to say he has put down roots underneath my thick skin during brunch, my mind and body liking what they see beneath the cocky exterior.

I acknowledge there’s a lot to like about Tucker Royal. He’s a good guy.

This friendly brunch isnota date but a casual get-together, forming new lasting friendships with Tucker, his sisters, and Santiago.

I know I am attracted to Tucker, but now is not the time in my life to meet a man—no matter how sexy. Jensen is handsome and a nice guy, but he is firmly friend-zoned. I can put Tucker there too. Can’t I?

I walked away from him and didn’t look back for two and a half days, although he persistently entered my dreams. I would’ve returned his jacket because keeping it was not an option even though it is a nice jacket, but he found me first.

Guilt sets in for how I have spoken to Tucker and run from him. I’ve treated him poorly when he’s been nothing but my knight when I needed one and was too stubborn to admit it.

And here I sit, eating, drinking, talking with his wonderful family and friend while attempting to hold him at arm’s length because I have laid down the Ophelia law to abide by. He is friend-zoned whether I have said it out loud or not.

“Ophelia?” Tucker is whispering in my ear.


“You are spacing out. Are you alright?” His lips graze my ear, making my body respond. My libido does the Tina Turner “Nutbush City Limits” happy dance, and I am left wondering if I need his jacket back on to conceal my nipples, which I can feel hardening.

I cross my legs, fidgeting with the cloth napkin to subtly hide my chest. Well, more like wringing the cloth between my hands because Tucker’s not playing fair. The bearded one looks innocent, but he’s toying with me, knowing he’s getting through my stubbornness into a more flexible layer.

My face reddens when I realize the table is quiet, and all eyes are on our interaction with various looks of amusement and curiosity on their faces. “Um… what did I miss?”

“Teagan is inquiring about your immediate family. Me, I’m just enjoying the view.”Oh, he did not just say that out loud!

I ignore that last comment and focus on his twin. “Oh, I am sorry, Teagan.” The gorgeous strawberry blonde has that unmistakable ‘Royal’ twinkle in her eyes. It’s like some female sixth-sense, or she’s fantastic at reading body language. I’ve never denied I am attracted to Tucker. I mean, he’s gorgeous and has a sexy body and is a nice guy. I’m surprised he’s single, to be honest.

I push through the awkward and gently explain my parents’ passing away in a car accident nearly a year ago, and I am an only child. I don’t go below the surface of that story because I don’t want to fall apart. The box needs to stay shut. It is still very raw and will be for years to come, but I spent time in therapy when it first happened before leaving Australia and when I first arrived here. I have the tools to deal with the grief, and keeping myself focused and super busy is how I also help deal with the loss that is so painful, telling them what I told Keanu and Levi. I added that my cousin’s father—Dad’s brother, a US citizen—got recruited into professional soccer in Australia. My dad left the States, following my uncle out for what he thought would be a six-month vacation, but he fell in love, and they produced me, living happily-ever-after until they passed away.

Tucker’s hand plays with the back of my neck while I babble through that response, almost like he is trying to soothe the rawness of my loss and help me through talking about them.

There are questions about what I am doing now while living in the States instead of Australia. Surprisingly I am comfortable sharing this personal side with people I have just met, including one cocky male. Living in my dad’s first property he ever bought is comforting, and I hope their spirits have followed me here. I like to believe they are watching me build a life for myself. Staying in Australia was too painful. I needed to start fresh and spend time on Dad’s turf.

When I finish, Tucker moves his hand to rest across the back of my chair, and the loss of his physical touch seems almost painful.

Go figure.

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