Page 70 of Cocky Caveman

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“And… we made a bet, husband.”

“Oh, that little ol’ thing. I had forgotten, Princess.”

“No, you didn’t.”

“I may have already picked out a new position for us to—”

“Without trying to go all Obi-Wan Kenobi on you, I found the best thing to happen to me on a road trip, honey,” Aubrey says, cutting off my cousin. “Let yourself have a little fun if the opportunity presents itself. Please forget about the silly wager we made. Honestly, I won’t mind losing. Chance is a competitive person by nature; I can handle the loss.”

“But he leaves for Alaska tomorrow.” I assume they know all about his family’s Alaskan vacation.

“So? she sighs. “Honey, you know our journey to happily-ever-after wasn’t as easy as two people connecting and sexing that got us here today with a beautiful baby and a forever love. It took time apart and heartache to bring us together, but we made it. I permit you to forget your rules for one night. Live a little on the wild side. Find the courage to steal a kiss, get your boobies fondled…” Aubrey giggles. “As long as you don’t do the deed, then you can keep your rule book mostly pristine.”

“Spoken like my dirty Princess,” Chance murmurs. “You and I can find some time for me to fondle your—”

“Okay, you two, I gather CJ is asleep. Love you both. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Love you too,” they say in unison, and I hear loud kissy noises before I disconnect. Bugger, Aubrey will be on me like a heat-seeking missile in the morning.

My phone pings.

Aubrey:Ophelia, can I just say one more thing?

Me:Of course

I watch the three dots as she types away.

Aubrey:I don’t want to bring your happy day down, but Chance told me what you told him early this morning

Aubrey:I want to say I am so-so sorry

Aubrey:I had no idea what you were going through

Aubrey:I know no words can change that, but I am here for you

Aubrey:We both are, and we love you and want to remind you how much of a warrior woman you are

Aubrey:You deserve all the happiness in your future

Aubrey:We celebrate the remarkable woman you are

Aubrey:If you ever want to talk, you know I will listen

Me:Thank you. Love you both.

Me:Kiss your precious son for me when he wakes up xxx


And now to pack that box up again. There will be a time to unpack it, but today is not that day.

Today I have already taken significant steps to play it by ear with Tucker because here I am in a guy’s bedroom in Redondo Beach. We give each other good banter, maybe because I like what I see in him, and I deserve to be happy and forget for just a few hours because grieving is mentally exhausting. I need a reprieve.

If I wasn’t following my rules and my life hadn’t taken a tragic, traumatic twist, and I was in a bar, would I let this guy into my life for a night of no-strings-attached sex if we got chatting and one thing led to another?

Yes, I would. I would be all over that, but no, I wouldn’t do it now because I wouldn’t be in a bar, looking for a one-night hookup.

Tucker chased me.
