Page 16 of Fearless Protector

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“And my way is nuts?”

“People can be different without one of them being wrong. We all come with our own baggage. I know why I hate plans. When you grow up poor, you don’t have the luxury of plans. We didn’t take vacations. Our cars died all the time. The holidays didn’t turn out the way our parents planned. We, as a family, got really good at adapting to whatever came. Maybe in your family, being military and all, having order was critical.”

“No,” she said, shaking her head. “It wasn’t a family thing. Trust me. I was the only one like this, and no one spared any opportunity to remind me of that. I hear you talk about your family, and I can’t even imagine. It’s like you’re all in it together.”

“We are,” Nick said, furrowing his brow in confusion. “That’s what a family is.”

“You need to get out more. I’m happy your family is like that, but most aren’t. Mine wasn’t.”

“You talk about them in the past tense?”

“Are you sure you’re not the lawyer?”

“My grades in high school are sure I’m not.”

She dipped her head and closed her eyes. “They are in my past. I haven’t spoken to anyone in my family in more than seven years.” Saying it out loud was more challenging than she expected.

“Damn. My family can’t go seven hours without some kind of check-in. I’m sorry that’s how things worked out for you. I will say, I’ve known plenty of people in my life who chose their family. It doesn’t always have to be who you are related to.”

“Believe it or not, it can be hard for people to want to adopt a workaholic lawyer with a black and white view of right and wrong and an aversion to spontaneity.”

“You are too hard on yourself. The world needs people like you. That’s what makes things happen. There can’t just be a bunch of people like me, driving west and hoping for the best.”

“You didn’t pick this direction because it rhymes with best. Please tell me that’s not the case.”

“That was just a happy accident.”

“How far west are we going?” She nibbled her cuticle and tried to remember all the destination options on the map she’d looked at yesterday.

“Until something speaks to us, and we pull over. Or we’re too tired to keep going and have to pull in to get some sleep.”

“Thrilling.” She smiled. “And we could end up sleeping anywhere.”

“A palace or a tent.” He shrugged as though either would be fine with him, and she could tell he meant it. Nick would make the best of wherever they ended up. And what was so bad about that, really?

“I’m a little bit excited,” she said, brimming with pride as though this were some kind of monumental declaration. “It could be interesting in a good way.”

“Interesting in a good way.” He nodded. “I like that. And I promise you one thing, no matter what happens, you’ll be safe, and we’ll be together.”

There was no point in challenging that vow. Nick was a man of his word, and though she’d love to explain all the ridiculous scenarios she’d fretted over since they first discussed this trip, she didn’t bother. It was nice to have someone say exactly what she needed to hear, even if it wasn’t quite enough to calm all her nerves.

“Here’s the gas station. Try not to buy them out of every shelf-stable food they have. Leave a little something for the next customer.”

“Just pump the gas. Check the tire pressure. Wiper fluid. Wash the windows.” She ticked them off on her finger as she spoke. “Maybe see what the oil level is.”

“I’m filling the tank. The rest we’ll be leaving up to chance. If we run out of wiper fluid, it’ll just be destiny.”

“We make our own destiny by ensuring we’ve planned appropriately.”

He called out to her back as she walked toward the door that led inside, “Fight the urge to buy rock-climbing gear while you’re in there.”

She turned and scowled at him playfully. “Wiper fluid,” she called back. He might have been joking about the rock-climbing gear, but she was only halfway in the door when she had her eyes on a camping lantern and some rain ponchos. Damn. She did have problems.



It wasn’t as if he were flying completely blind. He’d taken a look at the road they’d be traveling on and had some ideas of where it might take them. But he’d been honest about the freedom that came with the unknown. Fewer hopes were dashed. You couldn’t be let down when you weren’t sure where you were headed in the first place.
