Page 59 of Fearless Protector

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“She loves it,” Nick corrected. “Cleo loves an adventure.”

“Now I know you’re lying,” Bo said, waving Nick off. “I spent most of our childhood trying to get her to do something fun and get in a little trouble. Cleo would never budge. The girl could tell me a million things that might go wrong.”

“She still does that,” Nick said. “But I learned the secret to success.”

“What’s that?”

“Mostly to ignoring her worst case scenario spirals and bring snacks.”

“I’m getting on this plane before you two decide to come up with any more brilliant ideas. I need to say bye now, or I never will.”

The last couple goodbyes were the hardest but finally she peeled herself away and disappeared through the security line.

“I’m glad you told her to come find me. I miss having my twin around.”

“Thanks for not being a complete dick that was still acting like you hate her. That would have been a real pain in the ass to have to deal with. I didn’t want to have to kick your ass to knock sense into you.” They swapped some playful jabs that didn’t connect.

“I appreciate you sticking around to help Lee and me try to get out of here safely.” Bo checked his phone for the hundredth time. “I told her to only call me when she could do it safely and she hasn’t yet.”

“We’ll get it worked out,” Nick said, slapping him on the back.

“I’m worried I got you into something that might go sideways really fast. Once I turned my badge in, I lost a lot of allies.”

“Trust me, you just picked up a bunch more. And people who know what they are doing when it comes to this stuff. I’ll crash at your place while we set it up if that works.”

“Cleo told you to do that, didn’t she?”

“Yup. I think she’s worried about losing you after she just got you back. I’m happy to help though. With any luck I’ve got a long future with Cleo and hopefully you’ll be a part of that.”

“I’m just trying to make sure I can make it through this week.”

“I’ve got your back. The sooner we get through it, the sooner I get to Portland.”

“Do I need to give you the big brother speech about what will happen if you hurt her?”

“Nope, it’s never going to happen. She’s already given me that speech herself.”

“You’re going to have your work cut out for you,” Bo laughed as they headed out of the airport.

“It’s the best job I’ve ever had.”


Bowman mindlessly spun his badge on the bar like he had a thousand times before. Killing time and drowning his worries in an ice cold beer. This time there wasn’t a glass large enough to deal with his problems.

“Another one, Bo?” Mary the bartender asked, barely sparing her a glance as she cleared the glasses from the couple who’d just left. He found it curious to have spent so many days bellied up to this bar, Mary slinging drinks, and yet he knew so little about her. Now that he was leaving town he felt a pang of regret about that.

“No thanks,” he replied fishing cash out of his pocket and laying it down.

“That’s too much,” Mary said, holding up the two twenty dollar bills and waving at his back as he walked away.

“It’s a tip,” Bo called back, giving her a little wave. “You deserve it.”

“You’re nuts,” she cackled. As he pushed the heavy bar door open he saw her tuck the money into her apron.

This wasn’t even home. There was no place he considered home. But leaving still unsettled him. Unlike all his siblings, he’d never adjusted to the life of a military child. The making and then leaving friends. The new schools. It always put a pit in his stomach and a tightness in his chest. Up until a year ago he thought for sure this was going to be where he retired someday. That he finally had roots, where they’d always been violently ripped from the ground before.

He was wrong. This wouldn’t finally become the place he could start his life. Just like the old days, he had a duffle bag full of his belongings and a sense of frustration crushing his chest. But at least this time he was leaving for a good reason. For a purpose greater than just his father burning a bridge at one military base and being moved to the next.

It would be for Sarah and Emelia and he already knew he’d give up anything for them. As he unlocked his car and settled into the driver seat his eye went to the rearview mirror like usual. He’d spent most of his life looking over his shoulder, dodging his father’s enemies. Then all his police training had him on heightened alert. This time it paid off. He saw the red pick up truck’s headlights come to life just as he started his engine. When he pulled out into the street he watched as the truck tried to stay inconspicuous but close enough to follow.

Bo had to get to Sarah and Emelia, but first he’d have to shake this truck. They wouldn’t survive the night if he didn’t. Cutting the wheel to the left he darted down an alley barely wide enough for his car and banged his way past some trash cans until he emerged on the other side. His tires squealed and his heart thudded as he sped away. The girls needed him. Bo would never forgive himself if he failed them. It was now or never.

The End
