Page 30 of The Club Betrayal

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I don’t waste a second of my ten minutes and rush over to Tal, choosing to ignore why there’s another guy also tied to a chair, looking as if he got into a fight and lost.

“What’s going on?”

“What are you still doing here?” he asks instead of answering me.

“It wasn’t my choice. Besides, I wasn’t leaving until I saw you.”

When his gaze drops to my hands, his chest heaves, and a single tear rolls down his cheek.

“I’m so sorry.”

His lame apology reminds me of why I’m down here. “Why did this happen to me? I deserve to know why.”

“My mother knew the guy who took you. He was the VP for a motorcycle club her father was president of. They used her, and when she refused to take the fall for a murder, Bert held her down so her father could burn her hands, just like yours. I’m certain he did it to make a point.”

A point? That’s exactly what the old guy said to me. He was right, and it only makes me angrier.

“Who are you?”

“My name is Ethan, and I should’ve stayed away from you.”

I already knew his real name; this is getting me nowhere.

“I still don’t understand.”

“I need you to do something for me.”

“Excuse me?”

“We don’t have much time. I need you to—”

“I still need answers from you.”

“And I’ll give them to you once I’m out of here. Please, trust me. If you don’t speak to my dad, I’ll be dead, and you’ll get nothing.”

Why does everything seem to be getting worse? If they kill him—as he believes they will—what happens to me?

He rattles off a phone number twice. “My dad, Aaron McGregor. Tell him what’s going on. He’ll get us out of here. He’s FBI.”

The hits just keep coming. He repeats the number again, only seconds before the door opens and Cas walks in.

“Don’t trust anyone here. You can trust my dad. Call him as soon as you can,” he whispers.

“Time’s up,” Cas announces, lifting me to my feet.

Tal fights against his restraints, but it’s no use. Once the door is closed, it’s not long before I’m told to sit. Once I do, Cas stands over me.


“He told me his mom knows the guy who did this to me, that he did it to make a point, and his name really is Ethan.”

“That’s all?”


I leave out Tal telling me to call his dad, and bite my bottom lip under Cas’s heavy gaze. The man is intimidating, making me want to spill my guts.

“I get that you don’t trust me not to go to the police, but if I don’t check in with my dad soon, he’ll call them himself, and he knows I’ve been spending time here.”
