Page 4 of The Club Betrayal

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With that, I hang up before he can argue with me, turn off the phone, and place it back in its hiding spot. Putting the board in place, I cover the floor with the rug and take a seat on the edge of the bed.

The plan was simple. I would prospect, earn my patch, collect information and evidence, and finally take them down. Then, I would go home, knowing I had saved innocent people from having to die at the hands of men who don’t wish to live by the law.

Nothing was really happening until the Hayward’s came sniffing around, wanting to partner up, and now I have more than I ever thought I’d collect. However, I need to come up with a new plan; one that sees me getting out of here faster than originally planned.

Heading back down to the bar, I seek out Cas and Sparky, who are sitting with Pope. For tonight, I’ll keep my eyes alert and my ears to the ground, concentrating on what the brothers are doing and saying.

Ordering a beer, I slide onto a stool and keep my head down, making out like I’m minding my own business.

The tension in my shoulders relaxes a little when I hear a few brothers voicing how they believe Bert is full of shit, and what better way to undo the bond of the club than to cast doubt among the men? But then, the tension’s back when one of the brothers say, “There’s no smoke without fire.”

Victoria catches my attention when she slides onto a stool at the other end of the bar—another victim of the so-called “brotherhood”—where the prospect hands her a bottle of water. She’s lost her hearing, all because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time, around men acting like they can get away with anything. Hell, she doesn’t know any different. She was born into this life, and will suffer because of it.

When Luca sidles up beside her, she freezes. No one talks about their relationship, as most people don’t give a shit. Others blow it off, acting as if they don’t see them sneaking around, and they definitely don’t talk about how she bolts now when he’s close since our trip to Mercy. Case in point: she shrugs away, leaving him sitting at the bar, and doesn’t look back as she takes a seat with her dad and brothers.

I shake my head, telling myself they’re not my business. Turning back to drink my beer, Zara walks in, her arm looped through another girl’s—a girl I’ve never seen before. I’d definitely remember her if I had. Her dark red hair lies straight, hanging down her back. Her wandering green eyes are bright enough for me to see from here, and her tight stomach is barely hidden beneath the belly top she’s wearing, paired with a short little skirt. Zara points to something across the room, then tips her chin toward the bar. Facing the liquor bottles, I take a long pull of my beer and grin when she leans on the bar top next to me.

She smells fucking amazing. Don’t get me wrong, I’m here for a reason, but there have been some perks to hanging around the club—the women for one. Leaning back, I let my eyes roam up and down her body, liking what I see. She’s gotdistractionwritten all over her.

“I’m Tal.”

Her hair slips over her shoulder as she turns her head to look at me, her smile as bright as her eyes.

“Hi. I’m Holly.”

“I haven’t seen you around here before.”

“My friend tells me this is the place to be to forget all the crap in your life, so I thought I’d check it out.”

“What could be so bad you’d think a motorcycle club is the place to run to?” I inquire. I mean, as far as I can see, this isn’t a spot you’d escape to, thinking you’re any safer.

“It’s none of your business, but if you want to help me forget, you can buy me a beer.”

I find myself smiling, signalling for the prospect to come over. This night could end a lot better than the day started, and right now, I’m all for her being my distraction.

* * *

The brothers are all smiles because it’s payday. Sparky rounds the table, dumping an envelope in front of each of us. They’re thick, telling me it’s a substantial amount as I tuck mine into the inside pocket of my cut. Myles opens his envelope and whistles, thumbing his wad of cash.

“As you can see, the deal with the King’s is paying off, and there’s plenty more to come our way. But…” He pauses, making sure everyone’s attention is on him. “We’ve got shit to deal with before we can start spending it. First, we have tobe hereto spend it. Bert,” Sparky says. “He has the fed, so we get to him, and…”

Ricky asserts, “And what? We take out a fed?”

The weight of the club’s decision takes a moment to settle over the brothers.

Pope sits forward, stating, “In order to protect the patch, we do whatever’s necessary.”

The fed they’re talking about is in town because of me. He’s a retired agent, but every now and then, he takes on cases to help out where he’s needed. Having found his number in my dad’s work stuff, I reached out to him after India was murdered.

“We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it,” Cas concludes, with everyone seeming content on dropping the subject for now.

“Before I end the meeting, I want to set out plans to secure this place. It’ll cost us, but times are changing, and people are growing bolder every day. We’re going to be earning enough with what the Kings are paying us to handle it. I want it fortified, even from a federal raid. We need to be five steps ahead of everyone. We’re not going to be caught out again.”

When everyone voices their agreement, Cas bangs the gavel. Brothers are quick to leave the back room and head into the bar. I take my time, knowing all I’ll be doing is watching for signs of trouble.

Chapter Two


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