Page 46 of The Club Betrayal

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“Say that again?”

Holding up his hands, JJ tells him, “I’m sure he has his reasons, brother.”

“What reasons would they be?” he pushes.

“I have no fucking idea, but you know him. He wouldn’t do this out of the kindness of his heart.”

Spinning on his heel, Zach storms to the open doors and steps out, braces his hands on his hips, tilts his head back, and lets the rain assault him.

“If he just wanted to fuck her, he wouldn’t put a claim on her. There’s a reason,” JJ mutters, more to himself, but the twins hear him and smirk.

“I don’t know. I heard your old man put a claim on your mom to get her into bed back in the day,” Myles chuckles.

“Yeah? I heard your dad had to plough through junkie needles just to put his dick in your mom, and then get tested for Aids, all while your grampa watched.”

Mason barks out a laugh, nearly falling off his chair from doubling over, holding his stomach.

“Grumps will like that one when I tell him.”

Paling, JJ waves his hand dismissively. There’s not one person in the club who hasn’t suffered in one way or another. I’ve heard all kinds of stories since I showed up, and none of them have been pretty.

“I thought he gave up the smokes?” Myles mumbles quietly as we all look to Zach, now hanging in the doorway.

“He gave up the weed, and he doesn’t smoke cigarettes when he’s around Nina and the kid.”

Out of them all, I only felt sorry for Zach, and then for Nina. My pity only lasted so long with him until he didn’t leave the club like his old man. But then again, Slade came back. At times, I’ve felt the pull the club gives you, believing this world is all you need, but then I think of my mom. I think of all the people who have lost their lives because of them.

“Hey, we’ve got company coming,” Zach hollers, tossing his smoke out into the rain.

“I just spoke with Leo. He didn’t say anyone was coming out here,” JJ calls back.

The twins sit up and reach for their guns.

“Not our vans. There are three of them.”

“Close the doors,” JJ instructs, pulling the gun out from the back of his pants.

Mason jogs over and helps Zach pull the doors closed before joining Myles, who both head up the stairs to the second level. I’ve been up there once, and there’s only abandoned offices and another bathroom, but the walkway covers the three sides of the mill, giving them a clear view of everything down here.

When the vans approaching come to a stop, JJ joins Zach by the doors, each of them taking up positions on either side.

“It’s Bert, and there’s…” Zach’s voice trails off, as if thinking, “sixteen guys with him.”

“What the fuck are they doing here?”

“It can’t be for anything good. Let Cas know.”

JJ shoots off a text, his fingers flying over the keyboard as he types. His phone pings seconds later, and he throws Zach a manic grin.

“They’re on their way.”

There’s no noise coming from outside besides the rain, which isn’t letting up, and Mason shouts down, “Find out what they want. We need to stall them.”

Zachery takes the lead, yelling out to Bert, “What do you want, old man?”

While they’re busy focusing on the newcomers, I use every muscle and wiggle my wrists until the binds loosen a fraction.

“Only what I’m owed,” he yells back.

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