Page 49 of The Club Betrayal

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If Leo hadn’t returned to the club with the girl, I would’ve trusted him to keep himself alive and have the backs of his brothers. He doesn’t know any different. He’s been watching JJ and Zachery’s backs since they were all old enough to walk, and it’s the same with the twins. They’re just like me and these men I walk with now, only a different generation. The same morals and principles apply, and that’ll never change. My brothers’ sons inside are made of the same stuff as Leo, and I trust every one of them to keep themselves alive.

Sparky rubs his chin thoughtfully. “To be fair, though, if it was us in there at their age, we’d already be in a shootout.”

“Hence, why I said they were smarter than we give them credit for,” Ricky snickers, but I hear the strain in his tone.

“They’ve been through so much over the last couple of years. Let’s not give them anything more to deal with,” Slade acknowledges, and we all fall into silence.

Michael Blake, the previous president of the Lost Souls, who died a long ass time ago, bought this place because it was in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by trees. Complete privacy.

We head for the trees, and then to the back door. Pulling it open, Bert’s voice is the first thing I hear. The boys are up on the second level, so we creep along the wall and up the stairs, coming to a stop before we can be seen.

JJ sees us first and nods. I scan the second level walkway, making sure every son is alive and breathing. Content when they are, my eyes drop to the rat and I snarl when his head whips around in my direction.

I’m going to take great pleasure ending his life. One way or another, he is going to die.

Whispering to Sparky, “Wait here,” I make my way over to JJ while Bert bangs on about being fed information on the rat’s parents the whole time he was incarcerated.

“He likes the sound of his own voice, that’s for fucking sure,” JJ snarls, rolling his eyes.

“Then I should shut him up.”

Holding my finger to my lips, I make sure every brother knows to stay quiet before I move clear of the pillar and lean on the railing.

“Your boy talked a lot too, yet had nothing to say. I see now where he got it from.”

Bert’s head snaps up, his chest rising, enjoying having me in his sights, like a junkie laying their eyes on the gear.

Getting to his feet, he motions for his men to step back. “Ah, Cas, I’m glad you could join us. I take it we’re now surrounded?”

“What is this to you, huh? You must know you won’t walk out of here alive?” I call down to him.

“It’s the last move in the game.” Spreading his arms wide, he grins. “But I’m not going down alone.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. Alone is exactly how you’re going to die.”

Darting my eyes to the door, I see Grace and Aaron standing there. Bert, turning his attention to where I’m looking, beams.These two are a pain in my fucking ass.

“Catherine,” he purrs, like a father would when laying eyes on a long-lost daughter.

“Her name is Grace,” Aaron growls, clenching his fists.

“She’ll always be Catherine. Changing a name doesn’t change who you really are. I must admit, when I saw your son, I didn’t expect to ever lay eyes on the two of you again. I hear you’ve made quite a home in England, or were you staying in your lake house here in the States?”

When they showed up at the club, they gave nothing away. Facing off with their old enemy, their shock, mixed with hatred, is clear for all to see.

“I’ve known every move you’ve made since you were born. Prison didn’t stop me,” he tells her.

“I should’ve killed you when I had the chance,” Aaron growls, stepping closer to his wife.

“I could say the same about you.”

“We both have another chance. Question is, who’s faster?” Grace whips her gun from out of her pocket.

Aiming straight for the old guy’s head, Sparky shuffles closer to my side, as Bert’s men draw their weapons, starting the standoff.

“What’s our next move? Because this is starting to feel like we’re in their way,” Sparky asserts quietly.

“The only people walking out of here today are Lost Souls. Give it a few minutes, and we’ll see how this plays out. If they kill each other, it saves us the hassle.”
