Page 8 of The Club Betrayal

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“No, no, I’m not asking you out, and don’t go telling Sparky I did.”

Shit, that would be all I need.

Her laugh is just as cocky and annoying as her son’s.

“You’re safe. And to answer your question, guys who ask women out on dates are classy. It shows they want to take the time to get to know her. It’s not all about how fast you can get her out of her panties.”

“Yes, it is,” JJ snickers, receiving a slap from Bonnie to the back of his head.

She then walks off, leaving JJ rubbing the back of his head. Someone taps me on the shoulder, and I turn to find Holly.

“I’m so sorry I’m late. My dad was giving me a hard time about going out again.”

She’s cute when she’s flustered, but I don’t understand her frustrations. She’s twenty-one, old enough to come and go as she pleases. But, I decide not to question it.

“You’re here now. Do you want a drink?”

“A beer would be nice.”

Ordering her a beer, I get one for myself and kick at JJ’s stool, telling him to fuck off. Taking the hint, he laughs as he walks over to Harper and Cas.

Holly’s one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen, but I’d really like to know more about her.

“So, you said you go to college. What are you studying?”

“Can we not talk about that, please?”


“I’m only there because of my father.”

Watching as she drains half her beer, I let it go. Apparently, this is a subject she doesn’t like to talk about.

“What would you rather be doing if you had the chance?”

She snorts. “I have no idea, and I’m the only one in the family who thinks it’s okay not to know. My dad is always on my back to have my future planned out. Like, what’s the rush? I don’t believe we were born to work till we die.”

I kind of believe in that too, that some people were born to make a change for the better.

“Where are you from? I know you’re not from around here,” she notes.

“Everywhere. We moved around a lot for because of my dad’s job.”

“What does he do?”

“Army.” Lying comes easily; she doesn’t need to know the truth.

The rest of the night’s conversation flows easily and comfortably, and I try not to think too much at how I’m enjoying it.

She’s a distraction, that’s all.

And I’m distracted.

Chapter Four


If one more customer walks through the door, I’ll never go on my break. It’s certainly the busiest it’s been since I started last week. I’ve adapted to my routine, as it doesn’t take a genius, saving Hank from having to yell at me. He’s not as bad as I thought he would be. Though he threatens to fire his waitresses almost every hour, no one’s lost their job yet.

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