Page 85 of The Club Betrayal

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“Move away from the car, Cas, now!” one of the cops yells, but I ignore him.

“Last chance. Walk away, or we’ll shoot,” another warns.

Sparky and Slade block my view of the cop hiding out in the car and shove me back until my feet are on club soil.

“They don’t know fuck all. And even if they did, they wouldn’t tell us. We haven’t got time for you to get arrested!” Sparky snaps.

Spinning on my heel, I head into the bar and reach for the whiskey. I pour myself a large measure and throw it down my neck.

It does nothing to take the edge off, so I pour another while digging my phone out of my pocket.

Hitting up Jamie Boy’s contact, it doesn’t even ring, going straight to voicemail. I try again, hearing the same monotone voice telling me to leave a message. Like fuck I can leave a message.

The bar fills with brothers, and the twins’ absence is greatly noticed.

“What the fuck do we do, Cas?” Mitch asks.

“We fucking hunt, that’s what we do,” Mason replies, frighteningly calm.

From out of nowhere, he and Myles dump arms full of guns onto the pool table. Tipping my head back, I try to think straight.

“They’re not getting away with that, no fucking way!” Myles roars, bouncing on his toes, pouring his energy into a fight I’m not letting them or anyone of us head into—yet.

“We don’t even know whotheyare?” I hear Sparky say.

“We will when we hunt,” Mason snarls back at him.

Walking through the brothers, I pause before the twins, knowing they’re more like Pope than their own dad, yet not quite as cautious, and choose my words carefully. They’re like fireworks. If not handled with care, they blow and cause carnage.

“For now, we’re not making any moves. Sparky’s right, we don’t know who we’re dealing with, where to start, or why the hell this went down today.”

Their jaws tighten, their hands fisted at their sides. Their cues to move in sync is freaky sometimes, but now, they’re outright murderous. If I were their enemy, I’d think twice before facing off with them.

“We’ll find answers, and then—and only then—will we take our revenge. You have my word. But you need to give me your word you’re not going to slip out and go find them yourself.”

“Cas, they killed him,” Mason says, his voice breaking.

“And they will pay, every single one of them.”

They look to each other, and I watch as their freaky, silent conversation takes place before me.

“Fine, you have our word, but it only lasts so long.”

* * *

After a long night of no one getting any sleep, with Slade on his laptop, digging up everything on the Rathbone guy, and brothers making calls to see if anyone knows anything, I slip out of the bar and head over to the main house.

I’m met with whimpers and cries as soon as I step inside, and I swallow the anger wanting to rise.

Alannah is sitting at the kitchen table, her arm around Kyla, whispering something I can’t make out.

Bonnie thrusts a mug of coffee my way, and I offer her a small smile in return.

“Have you heard anything?”

With a slight shake of my head, I sit at the table and reach for the pack of smokes. Flicking a cigarette out, I put it to my lips and close my eyes, imaging myself drawing the smoke deep into my lungs.

