Page 24 of The Club Family

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“I see.”

I don’t think he does, but I keep my opinion to myself. This relationship doesn’t cut my balls off, but the day it does is the day it’s over.

“We’re still waiting for Effie to retaliate. I don’t suppose you’ve heard anything?”

“She’s staying low at the moment. We’ve got our men on the streets. When we hear anything, we’ll let you know.”

Of course they will. I learned real fast they only share when they want to.

Pope shuffles into the kitchen and stops when he sees the three of us.

“Sorry. I didn’t know we had guests.”

“It’s okay. We were just leaving.” Jamie Boy rises from his seat, leaving his coffee untouched.

Straightening his jacket, Ben joins him, the ever loyal second.

I down the rest of my coffee. “I’ll walk you out.”

“It’s okay. We won’t take up any more of your time.”

As soon as they both leave, I sit back down. Pope refills my coffee and pours one for himself.

Pulling out a chair, he sits down and looks to the empty doorway.

“What did the prince of designer suits want this early?”

Snorting, I mutter, “I think he prefers king of designer suits.”

This gets a chuckle from my brother, and I relax into my seat.

“They know we’re planning on setting up a charter in Dog City. He was feeling us out.”

“How did he hear about that?”

“I have no fucking idea. But like I told him, it wasn’t a secret. We’re definitely being watched more than we originally thought, though.”

“I know they bring in a lot of money, but we should be watching them just as hard in return.”

“Setting up the new charter will help us with that,” I assure him.

The prospect pops his head in the doorway and announces, “The new sheriff is at the gate. She wants to see you.”

Fucking hell. The sun’s only been up for an hour and it’s all go.

The chair scrapes against the floor as I push up and head outside. The new sheriff has come alone, telling me she either has something to say she doesn’t want anyone else to hear, or that she has no fear of us. If it’s the latter, she really should. The last sheriff thought he could tread his boots all over us, and it didn’t work out for him.

“Good morning,” I greet her, making sure any signs of irritation are safely hidden from my face. “And how can I help you on this fine morning?”

Her smile is as tight as a virgin’s cunt, and I take a slither of joy that she’s just as tense underneath the façade.

“I thought it was time I introduced myself. I’m sheriff McRae.”

“It seems a long way to come for an introduction.”

“I prefer a personal touch. I’ve heard a lot about you and your club, and I want to make it clear that the town of Willow’s Peak will no longer be plagued with motorcycle clubs by the time I’m done.”

Raising my brow, I smother the need to laugh. She must know that we know about her being paid off by Effie Rathbone and the Dead Rats. Yet here she is, acting like she’s a staunch believer in the laws behind the badge she wears.

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