Page 74 of The Club Family

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“She’s not here, Leo. Keep your eyes open.”

“Hey, I’ve missed you…”

He’s no longer staring at us. Whatever he thinks he’s seeing, it’s got his full attention.

“There’s no time to wait for an ambulance. He needs to get to the hospital,” Rudi declares.

“She’s been waiting for… me.”

“She’s not real, brother,” I urge, gripping his face so he’ll look at me. “I wish she were, but she’s not. She’s not here, Leo. You’ve been shot. You’re losing blood and seeing things.”

In the commotion, I didn’t hear the car pulling up beside us.

“Jay, take his head. Sparks, help me lift…”

Before Cas can finish, brothers surround Leo and we lift him as one. Opening the door, Alannah steps back to give us room.

Ricky is already in the driver’s seat and ready to go. Sliding into the back seat, I keep hold of Leo and rest his head on my lap. I’m thankful for the darkness, so I don’t have to witness his blood seeping into the seats.

As soon as Cas jumps into the front, Ricky pushes his foot down and the car shoots backward.

“She’s so warm,” I hear Leo whisper.

“Fuck!” Cas roars, slamming his hand against the dash.

As we race through town, the sound of motorcycles thunder behind us. These are the only times I hate living out in the middle of nowhere. The hospital takes forever to come into view, and I’ve had to wake Leo more times than I’m comfortable with. He’s so pale. Even in the darkness, he has a deathly glow about him, and it’s got me fucking nervous.

Death was never hidden from us as kids. We were told it’s a part of life, and it didn’t matter if we were kids or grown men, we still wouldn’t understand or get over it. We’ve lost people that shook me to the core, but I could still sleep at night. To lose Leo would haunt me forever. I don’t have a single childhood memory that he isn’t a part of.

“Let me go to her… she’s so warm…”

“You know how selfish I am, brother. I’ve gotta keep you with me. We’ve got plans.”

The bright lights of the hospital are a balm to my racing heart, but until he’s with the doctors, I won’t be able to breathe right.

The car screeches to a stop outside of the entrance, but Cas is already out, yanking open the back door before it comes to a halt.

Everything becomes a blur, and then I see her.

Harper shoots out of Mom’s car and rushes over to me. Under the bright lights of the hospital, she falters when she sees me covered in her brother’s blood, but it doesn’t stop her. When she reaches me, I collect her in my arms and hold her so fucking tight, I have to force myself not to crush her.

“Is he… was he… still alive when you got here?” she cries, pulling away.

“Yeah, he’s with the doctors now. Your dad’s in there somewhere.”

Brothers walk around the corner, offering nods as they head inside. I can’t go inside yet. I just need to breathe.

If this doesn’t go the way we hope, Harper is going to need me more than ever, and I need to be ready.

Most of thebrothers fill the family room, waiting on news of Leo. Harper is sitting beside me on the most uncomfortable couch I’ve ever had my ass on, tucked snugly under my arm. Cas and Alannah are both pacing the small room, no one daring to approach them. Meeting my dad’s eyes, he tips his head, and then I look down at Harper, who’s staring off into space, imagining who knows what. I pray this doesn’t set her back. She’s been so strong lately, and she’ll hate herself if she backslides.

Zachery heads in and approaches Cas, the twins right behind him.

“Their farmhouse is nothing but burnt ash. There’s nothing left.”

So the Haywards pulled through for us. I’d loved to have seen the destruction for myself, the dead bodies strewn across the land like offerings to the Earth.

“The guy who shot Leo is buried deeper than hell. That motherfucker will never be found,” Mason tells Cas.
