Page 87 of The Club Family

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“I don’t know. He just looks like a baby.”

I laugh under my breath, agreeing.

“Do you feel different?” he asks in return.

“I do. We knew he was going to change us, but nothing could’ve prepared us for this. I feel like I could kill with my bare hands at the thought of someone hurting him.”

Jay’s smirk tells me he feels the same.

Slipping his hand around mine, we lose track of time while sitting there, watching our son.

“I’ve made you countless promises. I feel like this will go without saying, but I want you to know I’ll look after both of you, protect you, and always be there for you. I’m never going anywhere—not without my family.”

A single tear escapes, and I leave it to roll down to my jaw. I believe him.

“If you feelup to it, I can take you to see Leo if you’d like?”

I reckon if I laid down, I’d fall asleep. But the adrenaline from seeing Gunner is still racing through me.

“I’d like that.”

I won’t have to wonder any longer, fighting my imagination not to run away with itself. And I know Jay has been wanting to see him.

“Perhaps after, while I’m getting some sleep, you can sit with Gunner? I don’t want him all alone for too long.”

“Of course.”

Cas is sitting alone by his bedside as Jay wheels me into the room, parking me up across from him.

I don’t need to ask how he’s doing. He’s clearly not awake and still breathing through the machine.

“I’m gonna go get some coffee.”

Jay’s out of the room before either of us can ask for one.


I don’t know how to explain his action in his absence, but Cas seems to understand without having to hear me try.

“I watched them both grow up together. It doesn’t make it any easier seeing the ones you love like this.”

“Where’s Lana?”

“She and Bonnie went to eat. I’ll go when she gets back. How are you doing? You should be resting.”

“I will, but I wanted to see Leo first. He’s going to recover, isn’t he?”

His shrug sets me on edge. “He’s too stubborn to leave us, but he’s dramatic enough to keep us waiting on pins and needles.”

His teasing helps me relax.

It’s hard to explain. There’s no logic or science behind it, but because he knows his son so well, I believe him.

“How’s my grandson?”

“He was sleeping when we left.”

“Once he and Leo are home, we’ll celebrate like the club’s never celebrated before.”
