Page 2 of Game Maker

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The big guy grinned down at her, and she was torn between being offended and the thrill his assessment gave her. But, she didn’t have time to analyze that. She was busy being fired. She did take the time to notice Donny’s sudden concern for the guest’s opinion, though. He turned to the big guy and began the kowtowing routine she’d seen him use on others.

“We’ll pay for your dry cleaning, sir. I’m so sorry. She won’t be a bother again. She won’t be working here anymore.”

The big guy laughed. “Dry cleaning?” He looked down at his clothes. “I’m wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I doubt I’ll need dry cleaning. And, you’re not listening to me. I don’t want her to be fired. I wantyouto treat her with a little more respect. In fact, if she leaves, so do we.” He looked over his shoulder at his friends, who all shrugged their shoulders and nodded, clearly ready to follow his lead if that’s what he thought they should do.

“Now, Mr. Kyle,” Donny started and it dawned on Lily. The big guy was Aiden Kyle.TheAiden Kyle of the San Francisco Strikers. She didn’t follow baseball, but everyone who lived in the area would recognize the name and maybe even the face. Oh, that face. The mocha brown eyes and square jaw with a bit of stubble, framed by short-cropped brown hair. She wanted to stare at that face a bit longer, but the confrontation between he and Donny continued, pulling her attention.

Aiden Kyle raised a brow at Donny, crossed his arms over his extraordinary—truly, truly extraordinary—chest and stared him down. It didn’t take long for Donny to cave. Before she knew what happened, he was apologizing to her and telling her to try carrying the tray in front of her instead of over her head, then shooing her away without giving her a chance to apologize to Mr. Kyle again. Lily met Katie back at the waitress station and watched Donny fawn over the baseball players, before turning to her friend.

“I’m so sorry, Katie. I have a feeling I’m gonna cause a lot more trouble for you than you’d planned when you got me this job.”

“Nonsense, honey,” said Katie, giving her a hug. “I believe in you and your business. This is the only way you’ll make enough money fast enough to save it. You’re living my dream, girl. You’re making your own life, building it up just the way you want it. I’ll be stuck slinging drinks for pervs forever. But not you, kid.”

They watched as Donny went back to his perch at the side of the stage.

“Besides,” Katie grinned at Lily, “I think you have a fan. Aiden Kyle hasn’t stopped watching you all night.”

Lily turned to see Aiden’s eyes on her and felt her cheeks flush. Even though she felt great relief at still having a job, she had to wonder what was motivating the man. She knew she was bright red when the next thought dawned on her. She turned to Katie.

“Katie, you don’t think ... I mean, you don’t ... Do you think he wants something in exchange for helping me keep my job?” She chewed at her lower lip, not at all prepared to go that far to keep her job, loan to pay or not.

Katie’s grin got even bigger. “Shoot, girl. If he does, have fun with that.” Her friend’s eyes turned to the table where the famous pitcher still sat watching Lily through hooded eyes. “That is one fine, fine piece of man.”

Chapter Three

Aiden tried to ignore the nervous waitress for the third night in a row. She clutched her tray of drinks in front of her where they seemed to be only moderately safer than they had been over her head. He felt almost obligated to come to the club now for a short time each night, since he’d threatened to stop coming if she lost her job. If he stopped showing up, her boss might let her go. But, this was getting out of hand.

Each night, he sat and pretended not to track her every move for an hour or two, ordering drinks he didn’t want and watching out of the corner of his eye as men groped her when she set their drinks down in front of them. How she could handle the humiliation was beyond him. I mean, sure, he came here and paid to watch the strippers, but he never laid his hands on the waitresses or any of the dancers. That just wasn’t cool.

And watching these rat wads do that to her was pissing him off. She was so clearly out of her element. He had been wondering for days now what had brought her here. What was it that would drive a woman so utterly innocent looking in every way to serve drinks in a strip club in that skimpy outfit showcasing her breasts and highlighting every other asset she’d been blessed with? And blessed was the right word there. The woman had it all. Her breasts might be a little smaller than some of the other women here, but Aiden actually liked that they were neither too big nor too small. She had honey blonde hair and deep brown eyes, with perfect lips that begged to be nibbled and licked. And legs that wouldn’t quit. Legs that should be wrapped around his waist as he—Hell, he sounded like a cliché.

His friends had left half an hour ago, but he’d decided to stay until closing time tonight, determined to talk to her so he could put an end to this. Because he needed to put an end to this. If he continued to come watch her every night after his games, he’d be trying to take her home soon.

And with the Triple Play Curse in effect,thatcould not happen.

She sidled up to his table now, a small anxious look on her face. She always seemed more nervous around him. Distrustful, almost, which really ticked him off. Hell, he was the one damn customer who had never laid a finger on her.

“Can I get you another drink? It’s almost last call,” she said, looking at him with those guileless eyes.

“What’s your name?” he asked, ignoring her question and replacing it with one of his own.

“Jazzy,” she said, no smile this time.

He narrowed his eyes at her. “Yourrealname. Not the freak name they gave you when you started working here.”

She bit her lip and glanced at her manager out of the corner of her eye, twisting her body so he wouldn’t be able to make out what she was saying.

“Lily. My name is Lily.”

Good. She was talking to him. Now he just needed to get her out of here. Maybe get her another job or give her some money to tide her over. Something.

Anything to get out of having to see her every damn night.

* * *

Lily watched Aiden cautiously, wondering why he was talking to her tonight. For the last few nights since she’d dropped that tray of drinks on him, he’d come in late, always after midnight, and she’d felt his eyes on her. But, he hadn’t talked to her yet. Katie thought it was cute, but Lily didn’t. Lily was beginning to think it was creepy. And, yet, here she was telling him her name. Herrealname.

She mentally rolled her eyes at herself, but she owed the man. A little conversation wouldn’t hurt her—but that wasallshe was giving him. He might have saved her job, but if he wanted what she thought he wanted, she wasn’t willing to go there.

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