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“Hello. I am Summer Pierce, and I work at the Downtown Public Library in New Orleans. Today, I am here with Amy Winters to discuss the efforts my library has made toward helping one of our most important patron groups: the homeless.” Pressing my thumb against my phone’s screen, the low clatter of applause sounds from the speakers.

That’s right. I downloaded an app to mimic a crowd clapping for me.

And with my eyes shut, it helps with envisioning myself in front of a large gathering of people. My nerves ratchet up, but I suck in a deep breath through my nose and let it out in a large gust before continuing.

“We thought our efforts were important to share because we know libraries across the country, probably across the world, continue to grapple with how to serve this group.” I’m getting into it, gesturing with my hands for emphasis, and pressing the clapping button again. Not that I expect to get continuous applause, but it helps keep the imagined conference room in the forefront of my mind.

As I get into the groove of this practice, my muscles loosen, and I move a bit, hoping on the day of my presentation I’ll be able to remember not to stand like a creepy robot.

“Before I even joined the Downtown Public team, there was a popular event where—ow!”

My shin throbs, having just collided with the corner of my desk. Maybe pacing around my tiny office with my eyes shut isn’t the best practice method. As I reach down to rub the sore area, my thumb slides against my phone, setting off a round of celebration for injuring myself.

That’s when I hear a throat clearing at my office door.

Damn it to the archives of hell.

Glancing over my shoulder, I spot the delicious, rumpled, grinning form of my current fuck buddy. Cole watches me, amusement clear on his handsome face.

“You okay?”

“I wanted to walk into my desk,” I declare.

“Did you?”

“No. But the gentlemanly thing to do is pretend that I did.”

“And you think I’m a gentleman?”

“A woman can dream.”

He uncrosses his arms only to shove his hands into his pockets. My willpower is tested as my eyes long to trace the dragons circling his arms. Every time I look at them, I find a new detail.

“Do you want me to go?” he asks.

My gaze flicks up to his Icelandic stare as I consider his question.

The answer is no. I didn’t want him to witness my embarrassment, but now that he’s here, the idea of him walking away has me bumming out.

But I’m at work. I can’t flirt with Cole while I’m on the clock.

Thinking back over our many flirtatious conversations, I amend…

I can’t flirt with him for an extended period of time while I’m on the clock.

But maybe he can help me with work.

“Are you busy?” I ask.

“I don’t have to be.”

“Okay. Then I’d like your help with something. But only if you promise not to mock me.”

At this, a scowl creases his brow. “I don’t enjoy making you feel shitty, Summer.”

Briefly, I rock back on my heels. His statement caught me that off guard.

Is that what he thought I meant?
