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He’s back at the cart. He’s down the aisle. He’s around the corner.

And I’m frozen.

And I’m on fire.

Chapter Forty


“What’s this one’s name? Is it some type of food? Because I am going to eat her up!” Summer holds a squirming kitten next to her face and mimes chomping down on the little furball.

“Haven’t named them yet. You think of some. I’ll be back.”

“Seriously? I can name them?”

I shrug like I don’t know how excited I just made her. “Sure.” Then I leave Summer alone with the crate of two-month-old kittens, heading to my office.

“Cole?” My boss’s voice comes just as I’m grabbing some paperwork. When I turn to face Cheryl, she doesn’t look in the best mood.


“Can we sit? I need to talk to you for a minute.”

Shit. This isn’t good.

When I’m in my dilapidated desk chair and Cheryl is settled in an old vinyl number, she gets straight to the point.

“I can only keep you full time for another month.”

Dread clenches my stomach. She warned me. I knew this was coming.

I just desperately held on to a hope that her prediction was wrong. The idea of leaving this job is like staring over the edge of a cliff and having someone tell me I need to jump. When I got out of prison, this was my safe place. So many ex-cons struggle to find any kind of job, much less a decent one. Cheryl was my fairy godmother.

Guess I’ve been banking on her magic powers of protection for too long.

“Our last two fundraisers haven’t brought in the money I was hoping for, and donations are down overall,” she explains, regret clear in her voice.

“I get it.” I know this isn’t personal. But I can’t help the rise of defensive anger.

“I’m hoping a month will give you time to find another position. After that, I can pay for some part-time, but it’s going to be a big cutback.”

“What about the animals?” If there’s a shortage in staffing, that’s going to have an effect.

Cheryl grimaces. “I’m reaching out to other shelters and rescues. Trying to lighten our load.”

Fuck. I wouldn’t feel so shitty about having to leave if I at least knew the place was going to continue on strong. But it sounds like I’m not going to be the only one out on my ass.

“I’ll stay on as long as I can.”

She nods, and we both stand. As I leave my office, the world has a hazy quality. Disorienting.

Which is why I almost walk directly into Summer.

My librarian stares up at me, eyes wide in shock.

Shit. She heard.

“I put the kittens back in the crate. Do you want to stay or head out?” Summer wraps her fingers around my wrist.
