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“Maybe we should go to a doctor. Make sure nothing is broken.”

But the boy only shakes his head with a grimace.

I try to stifle my sigh and be content with the fact that he’s not disappearing into the night to sleep on the streets. Out in front of the building, I spot Cole’s truck.

“Sorry, Jamie. I didn’t drive today. Are you okay with us catching a ride with Cole?”

Again, he keeps quiet, giving only a shrug. He’s not the type to chatter, but this silent version of him is making my heart ache.

Cole circles around the hood and raises an eyebrow at me as I approach with my companion. Trying to brush away any tension, I offer a wave and a smile.

“This is Jamie. You know each other from the writers group, right?” I wait for Cole’s nod before dropping the hopefully completely reasonable-sized bomb. “If you don’t think we can all fit in the cab of your truck, we’ll just take the bus. But Jamie is going to come home and stay at my place tonight.”

Cole’s eyes trace over the teenager, who I can tell is trying to put on a front of nonchalance. But it’s hard for the kid to look casual when his face is a black and purple mess of bruises.

Finally, Cole speaks. “No, he’s not.”

And I wish like hell the man had kept his mouth shut.

“Yes, he is.” I speak carefully to keep from raising my voice. “Jamie is my friend. He needs a safe place to stay. And I will be giving him that safe place in my apartment.”

Cole shakes his head, destroying my false calm. “No, Summer—”

“Don’t you tell me no!” I move in front of Jamie, taking on the fierce spirit of a mama bear protecting her cub. Sure, Jamie is a good foot taller than me and not my kid. But he feels like mine. And he’s finally letting me help him. Tonight is the first night in months I can go to sleep knowing that Jamie is safe. “This is my decision, and I am happy to have Jamie stay with me.”

Cole keeps on his icy, no-emotion face. “You have a studio apartment.”

“So what? It’s a relatively spacious one.” Relative to a walk-in closet. “We’ll do just fine. Jamie can sleep on the couch.”

“He’ll stay with me.”

“And it’s an extremely comfortable couch!” I announce before Cole’s words register. “What?”

The guy with a countenance of a bad boy moves his eyes over my shoulder. “I have more space. And a spare bed.” He’s talking to Jamie, taking the decision out of my hands. Which might be better, seeing as how I’m having trouble comprehending the turn of events.

“You…” Jamie’s voice is hesitant. “You don’t mind?”

Cole pulls open the passenger-side door of his truck. “No. Summer will stay over, too.”

“Oh, I will, will I?” I mutter with feigned heat before turning to the boy I’ve taken responsibility for. “Cole does, technically, have a bigger place than I do. We might be more comfortable there. What do you wanna do?”

Jamie reaches up to scratch his neck, and I try not to wince at his scabbed knuckles.

“A bed would be nice,” he murmurs.

Cole’s it is.

The ride to his place is silent, with me sitting in the back seat because my short legs fit better. Once we’re inside Cole’s shotgun house, Jamie stands awkwardly in the front room, eyes on his sneakers.

Before I can figure out something to say to break through the uncomfortable fog, Cole toes off his shoes and waves for Jamie to follow him. I tag along behind, a caboose on their train.

“This is my room. And Summer’s.” Cole says this in a no-hesitation, blunt, announce-to-the-world-that-we-sleep-in-the-same-bed kind of way.

My face grows hot, and I wonder if any other librarian has had to deal with this odd of a situation before.

“Could’ve guessed,” Jamie says, and I feel myself on the verge of sputter. Then he tilts his head toward the bed. “All the throw pillows.”

Cole snorts in agreement before moving on. I waver between staying put and following, eventually letting my feet shuffle forward. Jamie agreed to stay here, but I’m still not sure how comfortable he is around Cole on his own.

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