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“After only two dates? That’s barely any time at all. You’re not giving me a real chance.”

Who says I have to?

The thought pushes at my lips, demanding to be spoken aloud. But since I try not to say harsh things, I opt for a softer approach.

“You may feel that way, but I am satisfied with the amount of time we devoted to finding out if there are romantic feelings between us. There aren’t any on my end, and I’m sorry if that is not what you want to hear, but it’s the only answer you’ll get from me.”

“I’m a good guy, Summer. But it takes me longer to open up. To show someone the real me. I want to do that with you. You’re amazing and beautiful and sweet. Please, just one more date. We can do anything you want, and I swear I’ll love it.”

All the words he speaks sound like good words. They should be what I want to hear. But every plea he makes only notches up my discomfort. My hands fidget, tangling and fisting in my skirt. I wish I had a nice heavy pile of books to hold on to.

If I tell Joshua yes, then he will forever think that my no is worth nothing. He will push and pester, show up at my work, scratching away at my no, sure that if only he keeps at it long enough that the word will change to one he prefers.

“Thank you for the compliments, but my answer is the same.” This time when I stand, I make sure to move out of the range of reaching hands. Still, Joshua also rises from his seat, and I realize for the first time how much larger than me he is. With his broad shoulders and close to six-foot height, I find a wall of man in between me and my escape route.

Where is security when you need them?

“Just give me a minute, Summer.”

I don’t have to give you anything!I want to scream, feeling panic prick at my skin as the dark parts of my mind taunt me with recent memories. The image of a box I keep tucked under my bathroom sink pastes itself across my mind’s eye.

Is it him? Is he the one?

But he doesn’t know where I live…or does he?

“Let’s get a drink. My treat.” Joshua reaches for me, just as I catch sight of a familiar figure over his shoulder. “We can—”

I don’t stay to listen to the rest, dodging around his hulking form and jogging toward the tall figure who looks like safety.

“Cole Allemand!” His name springs from my throat, overly loud in the humid night. I don’t care.

My potential savior freezes mid-step. Most people would have whipped around in shock at the ridiculous way I just yelled at them. Not Cole. He turns only his head, sharp eyes searching until they land on me.

That’s when the most tempting smile I’ve ever seen melts over his mouth.

This may not have been my best idea, but I’m committed.


Damn him and the sexy way he says every word in existence. Especially my name.

“I’m so glad you’ve arrived on time for our appointment,” I pant, breathless from my sprint. I should probably do more exercise than weightlifting stacks of books.

He raises a single brow, and of course, it’s the one with the barbell piercing, which makes it so much harder to rip my attention away from.

“Our…” He trails off as I fall into step beside him. I realize then that his smile has fallen away as he stares back the way I came.

I don’t look behind me, too worried Joshua will take that as an invitation to follow.

“Our appointment. Yes.” Cole holds the door open and gives a half-bow for me to go in before him. He steps through directly after me, and I imagine I can feel the heat of him through the material of my dress.

But that’s ridiculous.

Besides, my body is mainly flushed because of adrenaline. Before Cole showed up, my nerves had been in debate between fight or flight. Flight won out.

“My office,” I announce to maybe no one. Maybe him. I don’t know. For just a minute or two I want to be in a place Joshua is not allowed to follow, in case he decides to try.

For all I know, he’s trailed my steps for longer than I’ve been aware of his existence.
