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Why is Cole alone on his birthday?

Where are his friends and family?

If I weren’t trying to make this day better, I might ask. But what if his family is all gone and his friends forgot? I’m not about to make him admit that.

Instead, I slide off the stool and wrap my arms around his trim waist.


“Birthday present number one. I’m hugging you.”

“I’m aware.” His voice is wry, but one of his arms circles around my back, pulling me in tighter to his side.

Cole doesn’t smell like musk. At least, not what I normally associate with the word.

No, he smells like spicy soap and warm days.

How does warmth smell? Like Cole, I guess, because that’s the only way I can think to describe it.

“How old are you?” I tilt my head back far enough to look into his face.

“Twenty-nine. You?”

“Twenty-six, but today isn’t about me.” Having my arms wrapped around Cole is heavenly, but it also reminds me how little body fat he has. Birthdays are the best days to over-consume calories.

I step back and snatch a menu off a nearby table.

“Birthday present number two, I’m feeding you.”

“You don’t—”

“Cole!” I cut him off, hop back up on my stool, and lean in close, capturing his eyes with mine. “It is rude to reject birthday presents. Plus, I’m hungry.” I’m surprised to find I’m not lying. Normally this day leaves me with a swirling whirlpool of grief that makes me nauseous every time I try to put some kind of food in my mouth. But now, for the first time since I woke up, I think I might be able to take down a plate of loaded fries. “Order food. It’s on me. And then as we gorge ourselves we’re going to plan how to spend these last few amazing hours of your birthday. Deal?”

Cole appears conflicted, his eyes dark sapphires in this dim bar, tracing over me. But after a brief hesitation, the resistance leaves his tense shoulders, and he clinks the rim of his beer glass against mine.


Chapter Eighteen


I expected Cole to suggest going to a rave. Or maybe getting spontaneous tattoos. Possibly choosing nipple piercings.

Basically, an activity I’d find both terrifying and exciting.

I’m wrong.

He wants to watch a movie.

The idea lacks normal birthday pizzaz, but who am I to tell the man what he wants?

And he doesn’t even want to go to a theater.

It’s not until I’m walking up his front steps that I realize going to a strange man’s house is a perfect way to get murdered. Despite Cole’s bad-boy look, I don’t pick up murdery vibes, but the strange notes I get randomly stuffed in my mail slot are a clear indication I need to be cautious. I send a text to Jasmine as a precaution.

Jasmine:Got you girl. Get some.

Summer:Excuse me, I will be getting NONE. He’s a friend.
